I was thinking the other day about a way to send messages with Telegram. This could be used for notifying myself for example if some calculation is completed, or to send auto-generated messages to a list of selected telegram contacts.
I've requested this feature to be added to Mathematica via the feedback form, but I can't be sure how long will it take Wolfram inc. to so. Until then, I was thinking maybe this could be wrapped in a package that can be imported in notebooks, which provides some functions for access tokens and sending messages.
Necessary info could be found here. I myself don't understand these APIs and how to link with them (if I'm using the right terms here!) and so I appreciate any help I can get.
As a side note, it has been some time now that telegram has introduced "bots" (see here) that users can interact with to do things/get information. A futuristic application of this bot platform would be to prompt users for commands, evaluate them with Mathematica in some server and then return the results, but right now, I'm interested in just notifying someone about something.
Also, please note that I'm aware that a similar feature exists in Mathematica using PushBullet, but it isn't very popular and doesn's have the capabilities of Telegram and it requires me to install an extra app.
thanks in advance