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Visualize links of Facebook pages, as leaves of a tree?

How would someone take a list of Facebook pages and represent them as leaves of a tree? – For one to have it interactive from Mathematica / Wolfram Language (as Links), and to be able to print them and cut them out as simple bulletin board cut outs for let’s say a classroom exercise, AND most importantly, but not necessarily at first, have it stand as the foundation of a more advanced program to be written in the future that will eventually become an interactive digital sign -which I can explain later once the simple pages as leaves gets solved.

POSTED BY: Brian Woytovich
2 Replies

It does not have to be difficult, just something that would be better than the following, a bit larger with a boarder style in the form of a dark outline of a leaf, would be great, for now.

  Hyperlink["CentrePort", ""]]]

Although it is not what I am tying to do, a post by Todd Rowland about a year ago titled "Help with Halloween costumes" and a response by Undo Krause might have the best insight, but I'm having trouble separating the code into just what I need, and the best syntax as to how to write it. At least in the short term, without it yet linking to a table.

POSTED BY: Brian Woytovich

You propose a very interesting idea Brian of a digital tree with leaves representing Facebook pages. I understand that a leaf linking to a representative Facebook Page would shimmer or rustle depending on the “traffic” on that Page. Together this collage of leaves, representative of your Facebook Pages, would look like a tree with the leaves moving in the breeze based on each Page’s traffic (posts).

I share in your frustration as I too am new to the Wolfram Language and I wish there was a mentorship for adults. Going back to the first step of your program, you are trying to create a leaf in which you will place a hyperlink to the Facebook Page. Then, you will need to create a data base of your Facebook Pages and a simple mechanism to import the individual links into each “leaf” of your tree. Do I understand your concept correctly?

From what I understand from your post and the one you mentioned from Todd Rowland is that there is NO structure for a leaf or botanical images using the Wolfram Language? Am I missing something as there are images for planets, anatomy, etc.? I hope someone in the community can assist you with your question to get you to the first step! I will try to figure this out but as I said, I too am learning :)

POSTED BY: Trudie Allen
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