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[?] Mathematica 11.1: no start by clicking on nb file in Windows Explorer

I installed Mathematica 11.1 the other day. After installation I cannot get Mathematica started by double clicking on a file in Windows Explorer. Right click and selecting Open With and then Wolfram Mathematica 11.1 does open the file correctly. I have seen this problem in the past but cannot remember how it was solved (maybe by a new release of Mathematica?). The clean start, by pressing Ctrl+Shift when starting Mathematica

does not solve the problem. Does anyone have a solution this problem?

Thanks a lot - Maarten

2 Replies
Right click -> Properties -> General -> Open with -> Change -> Wolfram Mathematica 11.1

Thanks a lot.

What equally works: right click, Open with, Select default program, select Wolfram Mathematica 11.1.

Regards, Maarten

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