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[?] Solve equation system with more variables than equations?

Posted 7 years ago

I have this problem that driving me crazy. Is it possible to solve a equation system with more variables than equations?

 {x/72 + y/63 + z/56 == 12/3,
  z/72 + y/63 + x/56 == 14/3}]

The unknown variables are distance and then divided by speed, so I am looking for the total length the object will travel. First equation is from point a to b and then return the same distance but in different speeds. Note that the distance "y" is the same and in the same speed.

Any ideas?

POSTED BY: Filip Joneus
4 Replies
Posted 7 years ago

Thx! But this is way beyond my Mathematica skills :) Sinse the system is build up of two equations maybe I could make a third that define the total length it will travel and then have three equations and three unknown variabels.


POSTED BY: Filip Joneus

This is a degenerate case!

A = {{1/72, 1/63, 1/56}, {1/56, 1/63, 1/72}};
A.{x, y, z}

Consider first the kernel of A: a vector V

V = First@NullSpace[A]
A.(k V) // Simplify

Complete V by other sandard vectors, and change of basis:

B = Transpose@{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, V};

AI = A.B;

The tranformed matrix AI is better-suited! Now, we can restrict ouselves to a 2-dimensional non-degenerated problem:

TA = Transpose@Drop[Transpose@AI, -1];
{X, Y} = (Inverse[TA]).{12/3, 14/3}
TA.{X, Y}
AI.{X, Y, z}

Come back in the original basis, and verify:

B.{X, Y, z}
A.B.{X, Y, z}
POSTED BY: Claude Mante
Posted 7 years ago


Solve[ {x/72 + y/63 + z/56 == 12/3, z/72 + y/63 + x/56 == 14/3}, {x, y, z}]

Solve::svars: Equations may not give solutions for all "solve" variables.

Out[45]= {{y -> 441 - 2 x, z -> -168 + x}}

POSTED BY: Filip Joneus

What is the problem with the result obtained from that system?

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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