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Is there an online library of Mathematica Slideshows created by users?

Posted 8 years ago

I am experimenting with using Mathematica instead of Powerpoint because of the Manipulate functionality, but I am struggling with basic things like centering an image and textwrap stuff. I just wanted to see what people have been able to do with Mathematica Slideshows.


POSTED BY: Yekaterina Gilbo
4 Replies

There are many places where you can find Mathematica Slideshows, created not only by users but also Wolfram Research. For example, these free training courses

very often have a notebook of the course attached to the top right corner of the video:

Another place is Wolfram Technology Conference:

Here on Wolfram Community people also often attach presentations, for example some posts here (see attachments at the end of the posts):

POSTED BY: Marina Shchitova

Slideshows are basically same notebooks with different stylesheet. There are some templates but for deeper design this might be useful: Working with Stylesheets

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie

Have you seen this? - How to | Create a Slide Show

POSTED BY: Kapio Letto

Thanks- I saw the official page on slide show, but users' examples is exactly what I was looking for--thanks for the tech link. It's perfect for me!

POSTED BY: Yekaterina Gilbo
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