I have a space curve created by ParametricPlot3D. Something like:
plot = ParametricPlot3D[{Sin[u], Cos[u], u/(2*Pi)}, {u, 0, 2*Pi},
Axes -> None, ImageSize -> Medium];`
To turn that into an arrow, I use:
plotA = plot /. Line -> Arrow;
and can then display that plotA properly as an arrow by Show or Print.
But now I have to customize the arrow heads, e.g. use something like
I can find no way to bring that into my plotA-arrow-curve. It seems that Arrowheads cannot be used as a Directive or Option for Show or the like. Instead it has to precede all Arrow graphics primitives. Probably I have to use a more intelligent form of the Replace-statement above. But I cannot find a legal form for replacing "Line" in plot by "Arrowheads[Small],Arrow" for plotA.
In any case I think that Replace-method is some kind of brute force for drawing a parametric curve as an arrow. Are there better ways?