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Where to find the old featured examples?

Posted 8 years ago

In version 10.x, there were many featured examples in the documentation for several application areas (see screenshots below).

Where can I find these collections in version 11.x? The individual pages still seem to be present, but I cannot find a table of contents to them. This makes them nearly undiscoverable.

enter image description here

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát
2 Replies

I have not found these in the documentation (where they should be) but,...

I have found good examples for the current as well as the previous releases here:

What's New page

For what's new in 10,9,8,7,6,... check the link titled "Features New in Previous Versions"

Also use the "Show Complete Wolfram Language input" link to copy the source(s) into your computing environment.

POSTED BY: Aeyoss Antelope

I reported much the same thing a week or so ago to WR as a documentation bug. The problem extends beyond Featured Examples. What is a 'Guide', what is a 'Tutorial' and what is a 'How To' article, and how do I find all of them? As best I could see, these labels are applied inconsistently within the documentation.

POSTED BY: Arno Bosse
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