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GraphImage2List: get numeric data from plot's images using image processing

Posted 8 years ago

I'm trying to do a Machine Learning using old data. However, the data are not numeric-data but graph-image-data. So I create the tool which calculates numeric-data from graph-image-data.


The left is the original graph-image-data. The right is the graph made from the tool's output(list data). enter image description here

1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36    37    38    39    40    41    42    43    44    45    46    47    48    49    50
11.82 12.04 12.09 11.88 12.42 12.48 12.61 12.75 12.53 12.53 12.62 12.68 12.6  12.39 12.24 12.21 12.01 11.91 11.92 11.89 11.91 12.24 12.35 12.11 12.35 12.39 12.53 12.54 13.26 13.3  13.20 13.11 13.17 13.69 13.9  13.54 13.20 13.44 13.35 13.41 13.47 13.24 13.23 13.49 12.87 12.65 12.57 13.04 13.09 12.87

The tool comes in two steps

Step 1

In the first step, the tool selects points of the graph roughly by using ImageKeypoints function. However, it also uses masking option of ImageKeypoints because ImageKeypoints sometimes selects unnecessary points of the graph. I referred to @Vitaliy Kaurov 's post about how to make masking area.

My GetPoints function selects the key points of the graph.

GetPoints[i_] := Manipulate[
    {"Mask(add/del alt+click/cmd+click?", "Selected Points"},
    {Show[i, ImageSize -> ImageDimensions[i]],
     mask = 
      Graphics[Disk[#, 10] & /@ p, 
       PlotRange -> Thread[{{1, 1}, ImageDimensions[i]}], 
       ImageSize -> ImageDimensions[i]];
      points = 
       ImageKeypoints[i, MaxFeatures -> n, Method -> method, 
        Masking -> mask], ImageSize -> ImageDimensions[i]]}
  {{p, {ImageDimensions[i]/2}}, Locator, LocatorAutoCreate -> True, 
   Appearance -> Style["\[EmptyCircle]", Red, 30]}, {{n, 100, 
    "number of points"}, 10, 300, 
   10}, {{method, "FAST"}, {"AGAST", "AKAZE", "BRISK", "FAST", "KAZE",
     "ORB", "SURF"}, ControlType -> RadioButton}, 
  ControlPlacement -> {Top}]

Here is an original data, or graph-image-data. This is a financial graph. enter image description here

The red points in the right figure are selected points. enter image description here

Some ticks may be selected, but they are unnecessary. You can mask them by moving the red circle in the left figure. enter image description here

You can add more masking areas with alt+click(WINDOWS)/cmd+click(MAC). enter image description here

ImageKeypoints has many methods. In this case, "AKAZE" method is the best. enter image description here

Forty points are selected. They are stored in "points". enter image description here

Step 2

In this step, My GetList function makes list of selects the points.

GetList[i_, points_] := Module[{}, ClearAll[list]; list = {};
  Row[{Manipulate[Grid[{{"Selected Points", "Sample List"},
       {Show[i, Graphics[{Point[u]}], 
         ImageSize -> ImageDimensions[i]], 
        Dynamic[If[(ValueQ[list] == False) || (list == {}), 
          "1? move bottom-left and upper-right red points\n2. set \
each coordinate\n3. add/del points if necessary(alt+click/cmd+click?\n\
4. click Calculate button", list = Round[#, accuracy] & /@ list; 
          Sort[RandomSample[list, UpTo[10]]] // TableForm]]}}],
     Row[{Dynamic[u[[1]]], "->", 
       Control[{coordinate1, {{0, 0}}, InputField, ImageSize -> 80}],
       Dynamic[u[[2]]], "->", 
       Control[{coordinate2, {{1, 1}}, InputField, ImageSize -> 80}], 
       Control[{{accuracy, 0.01}, InputField, ImageSize -> 50}]}, 
      "  "],
        list = locator2coordinate[u, {coordinate1, coordinate2}];, 
        ImageSize -> 120]}, "  "],
     Row[{Button["Clear points", u = Take[u, 2]; Put[u, "locator"], 
        ImageSize -> 120]}, "  "],
     {{u, Join[{{1, 1}, ImageDimensions[i] - {1, 1}}, Sort[points]]}, 
      Locator, LocatorAutoCreate -> True, 
      Appearance -> Style["\[FilledCircle]", Red, 8]},
     ControlPlacement -> {Bottom, Bottom}]
    }, "  "]

locator2coordinate[list_, sample_] := 
 Module[{a, b, c, d, mat, cnst, solve, matx, cnstx},
  mat = {{a, 0}, {0, d}}; cnst = {b, c};
  solve = 
   Solve[mat.list[[1]] + cnst == sample[[1]] && 
     mat.list[[2]] + cnst == sample[[2]], {a, b, c, d}];
  matx = mat /. solve; cnstx = cnst /. solve;
  Partition[Flatten[(matx.# + cnstx) & /@ list], 2] // Sort

You can make list in the next process.

  1. Move bottom-left and upper-right red points into where you know the coordinates enter image description here

  2. Set each coordinate

  3. Add points with alt+click(WINDOWS)/cmd+click(MAC)

    50 points are selected in the figure below. enter image description here

  4. Click Calculate button

    The summary is displayed in the right. enter image description here

And the selected points are stored in "list".

Transpose[{Round[#[[1]], 1], #[[2]]} & /@ list] // TableForm
1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22    23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30    31    32    33    34    35    36    37    38    39    40    41    42    43    44    45    46    47    48    49    50
11.82 12.04 12.09 11.88 12.42 12.48 12.61 12.75 12.53 12.53 12.62 12.68 12.6  12.39 12.24 12.21 12.01 11.91 11.92 11.89 11.91 12.24 12.35 12.11 12.35 12.39 12.53 12.54 13.26 13.3  13.20 13.11 13.17 13.69 13.9  13.54 13.20 13.44 13.35 13.41 13.47 13.24 13.23 13.49 12.87 12.65 12.57 13.04 13.09 12.87

Compare the original graph image and calculated graph(ListPlot). enter image description here

Example 1

Here is a graph-image-data like sin curve. enter image description here

Step 1: GetPoints In this case, "FAST" method is the best. enter image description here

Step 2: GetList

enter image description here

Compare the original graph image and calculated graph(ListPlot). enter image description here

Example 2

Here is a graph-image-data like barchart. enter image description here

Step 1: GetPoints In this case, "AGAST" method is the best. enter image description here

Step 2: GetList

enter image description here

Compare the original graph image and calculated graph(BarcChart). Now I have numeric data, so I can set a bar style. enter image description here


In this approach, some manual operations are necessary. When there are a lot of image data, this work will be very boring. There are many many functions in Wolfram Language. By using ImageGraphics, ImageCorners, it may be able to improve the accuracy of selecting points in Step 1. By using TextRecognize, it may be unnecessary to set the coordinates manual setting in Step 2.

POSTED BY: Kotaro Okazaki
10 Replies

POSTED BY: Kotaro Okazaki
Posted 4 years ago

Dear Kotaro-san

Sorry to bother you, but I have another question. How can the GetList function be modified so that coordinate1 and coordinate2 will directly use the raw coordinates of the two points?

For example, after moving the two points, the two points would give values of {12,34} and {56,78}, while coordinate1 and coordinate2 also give values of {12,34} and {56,78} respectively.

I've been able to achieve this to some degree, but it results in a endless loop that crashes Mathematica when I press "calculate". Is there any way to fix this?

Thank you so much for your time.

POSTED BY: Charlie Liu


I'm sorry I've not built an abnormal route in my tool. I don't know if the following is the problem you're facing, but an endless loop may occur when locator2coordinate function does not have unique solution from given two red points.

You may avoid the loop by changing the function to the following. Please change the location of two red points and try again.

locator2coordinate[list_, sample_] := 
 Module[{l1x, l1y, l2x, l2y, s1x, s1y, s2x, s2y, d, c, ysolve, xlist, 
  {l1x, l1y} = list[[1]]; {l2x, l2y} = list[[2]];
  If[l1x === l2x || l1y === l2y, Beep[]; Return[{}]];
  {s1x, s1y} = sample[[1]]; {s2x, s2y} = sample[[2]];
  ysolve = Solve[d*l1y + c == s1y && d*l2y + c == s2y, {d, c}];
  {{d, c}} = {d, c} /. ysolve;
  ({Exp[(#[[1]] - l1x)/(l2x - l1x)*(Log[s2x] - Log[s1x]) + Log[s1x]], 
       d*#[[2]] + c} & /@ list) // Sort
POSTED BY: Kotaro Okazaki
Posted 4 years ago


Thank you so much for your time and effort, but sadly, it does not solve the problem. I will look into it deeper and tell you if I manage to solve it.

Again, thank you.

POSTED BY: Charlie Liu

Hello Kataro,

thank you so much for your method. It is really great.

POSTED BY: Vitaliy Reznikov
Posted 4 years ago


Thank you so much for this method of converting graph images into lists. I have just one question that I wish to ask: how can the locator2coordinate function be modified so that the method would work for graphs that have a logarithmic scaling on the x-axis? I'm really interested in exploring this method of yours further!

Example: logarithmic graph

POSTED BY: Charlie Liu
POSTED BY: Kotaro Okazaki
Posted 4 years ago

Thank you so much Kotaro-san!

POSTED BY: Charlie Liu

enter image description here - Congratulations! This post is now a Staff Pick as distinguished by a badge on your profile! Thank you, keep it coming!

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