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Design a three-dimensional ConvolutionLayer?

Posted 8 years ago

Is it possible to design a three-dimensional ConvolutionLayer in version 11.1.1?

POSTED BY: Luis Mendes
3 Replies

It suggest it is possible (especially the last note under details & options). Use the option "Dimensionality" found in the Details & Options section in the documentation of ConvolutionLayer...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

That Dimensionality option would be handy for PoolingLayer also.

POSTED BY: Andrew Dabrowski
Posted 7 years ago

Just one update given by the Wolfram support that may be useful:

Unfortunately, ConvolutionLayer can currently handle tensors of up to rank 3 right now:

It is not currently set up to handle rank 4 tensors as would be required for RGB-D data of 3D images.

POSTED BY: Luis Mendes
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