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[?] Transform a function into a certain form that is easier to read?

Posted 8 years ago

I would like to transform a function into a certain form. So I can read the coefficients more easily later. For example, if I have the following function:


enter image description here

I would like to bring this into the form


enter image description here

In general terms, the form looks like this

enter image description here

Thanks for your help Sebastian

Try this, with x=1/z

In[1]:= PadeApproximant[(z - 1)/
   z ((K z)/(z - 1) - K/(z - E^(-T/Ts))) /. z -> 1/x, {x, 0, {1, 1}}]

Out[1]= (K - E^(-(T/Ts)) K x)/(1 + E^(-(T/Ts)) (-1 + E^(T/Ts)) x)

or this

In[6]:= PadeApproximant[(z - 1)/
    z ((K z)/(z - 1) - K/(z - E^(-T/Ts))) /. z -> 1/x, {x, 
   0, {1, 1}}] /. x -> z^(-1)

Out[6]= (K - (E^(-(T/Ts)) K)/z)/(1 + (E^(-(T/Ts)) (-1 + E^(T/Ts)))/z)
POSTED BY: S M Blinder
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