I have an issue with the handling of TimeSeries, which is best described by the following MWE:
data = Import["https://pastebin.com/raw/Xj6x3PSe"];
dates = Table[DateList[{StringTake[data[[k, 1]], 10], {"Day", "Month","Year"}}], {k, 2, Length[data]}];
tsdata = TimeSeries[data[[2 ;;, 2 ;;]], {dates}];
tsdata["August 26, 2008"]
The resulting output is:
{6.67345,6.55845,7.46281,7.32023,6.89391,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,1.82743,1.77073,1.65871,1.56591,1.52516,1.46369,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,1.47368,1.57085,1.65731,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,1.18979,1.02756,1.08294,1.12263,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA,0. +NA}
However, it should be:
tsdata["Values"][[7, ;;]]
I can't figure out what causes this behaviour. Any suggestion is much appreciated.
(I'm using Mathematica
For reference, I raised the same question on Mathematica Stackexchange.