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Place text in 3D graphics, so that it does not move when reoriented?

Often I would like to place some text in a 3D graphic, so that it does not move when the graphic is reoriented. I have several hacks to do this but it would be nice if this were a standard option in the Graphics3D input.

POSTED BY: S M Blinder
3 Replies

Thanks Sam! ThatÂ’s great. Solves the problem without any need for Mathematica code update.

POSTED BY: S M Blinder

edit: I read your question too fast and answered to a different question... since I can't actually delete my post... I'm keeping my original text (instead of emptying the entire answer...), although "slightly" out of context... but that might also be of interest...

"I think this could actually be an option for Style (I mean, the text orientation plane or Normal, but also size vs distance from viewpoint, in non parallel projections), so that we could also easily override it on plot ticks an alike (text styled as embedded object or "overlaid"; with fixed normal, or Automatic orientation; well, something like that...)"

POSTED BY: Pedro Fonseca

Epilog with SphericalRegion -> True ?

Graphics3D[Cylinder[], Epilog -> Text["UNMOVABLE", Center], SphericalRegion -> True]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie
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