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Plot a solution of Laplace equation over a rectangle?

Please, Help me to plot a graph of the solution of Equation of Laplace over the rectangle [{0.0;0.0},{0.1; 0.05}]. The following code does not work.

H = DSolve[{u''[x, y] + u[x, y] == 0, u[0, y] == 0, u[x, 0] == 0, 
    u[x, 0.05] == 0, u[0.1, y] == 100}, u[x, y], {x, y}];
POSTED BY: Sergio Cabral
7 Replies

Thank you, Frank. It doesn~t work, though. It is not clear , on the Help,what is the syntax to set 100 V to {x=0.1, 0<y<0.05} and 0 V to {x=0.0,0<y<0.05},{0.0<x<0.1,y=0.0} and {0.0<x<0.1,y=0.05}.

POSTED BY: Sergio Cabral

posting the code that you say doesn't work will help people figure out what went wrong

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas

You are right, Frank. Sorry for my fault. Here it goes, attached! I could not find any further information about the function DirichletCondition. I shall insist, however. Scabral

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