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ContourPlot gives a strange graphics for usial polynome (2 variables)

Posted 7 years ago

Hello, Community!

A problem - simple command:

ContourPlot[ 216 + 1728 b1 + 5184 b1^2 + 6912 b1^3 + 3456 b1^4 - 108 b2 - 648 b1 b2 - 1296 b1^2 b2 - 864 b1^3 b2 - 32 b2^2 - 128 b1 b2^2 - 
   128 b1^2 b2^2 + 12 b2^3 + 24 b1 b2^3 + 3 b2^4 == 0, {b2, -0.001,  0.001}, {b1, -0.5001, -0.4999}]

draws smthng strange (impossible for any polynom!) pic1

There is a problem with limits of a picture - when i take another limits, picture is as i wait to see - pic2

So, the question - it's a problem of: program / (noname) comp / ContourPlot?

UPD: When i use Manipulate - picture becomes more interesting:

Manipulate[ ContourPlot[ 216 + 1728 b1 + 5184 b1^2 + 6912 b1^3 + 3456 b1^4 - 108 b2 - 648 b1 b2 - 1296 b1^2 b2 - 864 b1^3 b2 - 32 b2^2 - 128 b1 b2^2 - 128 b1^2 b2^2 + 12 b2^3 + 24 b1 b2^3 + 3 b2^4 == 0, {b2, -0.001, 0.001}, {b1, -0.5 - k, -0.5 + k}], {k, 0.00001, 0.01}]

With big k - we see a straight line segment, with smaller - nothing, and with smallest - fantastic pics with no relation to given equation.

2 Replies

ContourPlot gives a strange graphics for usial polynome (2 variables)

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int = Integrate[1/(x^3 - 1), x];
Map[Framed, int, Infinity]

enter image description here

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