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WolframMark System Comparison and System Benchmarks

Posted 7 years ago

I was wondering what criteria is/was used to determine what benchmarks to include when running a benchmark report on a particular machine. Specifically, running:



After running this on my work machine, I noticed the top benchmark was an Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz (8 cores) running 64-bit Linux. Surely there are better (i.e. higher WolframMark "score") architectures out there to compare, right? After briefly searching the web and other forums for other people using the benchmarking package, I noticed the same benchmarks for comparison on other posted reports. Have the CPU benchmarks not been updated to current technology? Perhaps if I had a better architecture I might see my results show up above this benchmark? Has anyone done this?

POSTED BY: Jacob Lapenna
9 Replies
Posted 3 years ago

It would also be useful if there were Mathematica-specific features included in the Benchmark.

Right now the internal benchmarks entirely target general and universal sorts of operations that can be compared to other softwares - things like matrix multiplication, inversion, and Eigenvalues. But I am a committed Mathematica-lover and haven't even looked at another software package since our marriage back in v.4. And I don't do all that much with matrices either, come to think of it. Hence I am mostly interested in how my old ball-and-chain is improving in the realms of ReplaceAll, Cases, Select, Table, Compile, Module, and general pattern matching. But none of these feature in WolframMark/Benchmark.


POSTED BY: Bernard Gress

Since @Pedro Fonseca started this, and for comparison purposes ....

Ubuntu 16.04.03 on Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz

POSTED BY: David Annetts

For further comparison:

System: Mac OS X x86 (64-bit)
Date:   September 28, 2017
Wolfram Language Version:   11.2.0
Benchmark Result:   2.98

My iMac system info

(When originally posting this, I forgot to start with a fresh kernel. Doing so bumped the benchmark result from 2.40 to 2.98.)

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg

Yes, Karl Unterkofler's benchmarking site was very useful, not least because he kept it current with contemporary hardware comparisons (submitted by users).

His Mathematica 8.0 benchmark code still runs in 11.2.

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg

Just to bump up the topic, in a cordial way..., and waiting for eventual proactivity on the centralized and versioning system, here's a benchmark on an AMD Ryzen 7 1700 eight core 3.00 GHz, with Mathematica 11.2.0 (information currently in demand by some curious minds).

POSTED BY: Pedro Fonseca

Karl Unterkofler used to run MMA benchmarking site in the MathGroup days.

POSTED BY: David Annetts

If there are enough interested people, it would be more useful to start a community benchmarking project, with open discussion/feedback to ensure quality and versioning to ensure reproducibility.

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

That would indeed be a cool idea! A very broad test-set, but might be tricky to make it compatible with older versions I guess? Or provide a N/A when it can not be ran?

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Those example measurements in the Benchmarking package are useless. They haven't changed in ages. They are exactly the same even in the oldest version I have installed, which is 10.0 from 2014.

If you open up the package source, or evaluate


you will see that there are some results from 2010 / M8.0 and some form 2014 / M10.0

Mathematica's performance has improved a lot between 8.0 and 10.0, and again a lot since

Furthermore, did the benchmarks themselves change? We do not know. Thus comparisons are quite meaningless.

The benchmarking package is interesting if you compare two computers with the same M version, or compare successive versions of M (and manually verify that the benchmarks have not changed). But even then, it is probably in need of some updates ...

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát
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