I'm using Mathematica to sonify some data. Using "Play," I can generate the audio within Mathematica and it sounds fantastic. However, when I export it to an audio file, the waveform is clipped and I can hear popping and static-y sounds. I've tried different file formats (.aif, .wav, .flac) and I've tried changing the SampleRate and AudioEncoding. Nothing seems to work. Every time I export it, there is still clipping. I don't understand why it plays perfectly within Mathematica, but doesn't export properly. Any suggestions?
To run the code you will need to download the csv file.
carbonIntensity =
Import["/Users/Jackie/Desktop/CarbonSpectrum.csv", {"Data",
Range[2, 62], 3}];
carbonFreq =
Import["/Users/Jackie/Desktop/CarbonSpectrum.csv", {"Data",
Range[2, 62], 4}];
(*Sums together all sinewaves with given frequencies in the csv file*)
carbonSonified =
Sum[carbonIntensity[[i]]*Sin[2*\[Pi]*t*carbonFreq[[i]]], {i,
1, ((62 - 2) - 1)}];
Play[carbonSonified, {t, 0, 5}]
Export["carbonSonified.wav", %]
In this picture, you can see the top of the wave is flat where it has been clipped.