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Is the CountryData function operating?

Posted 12 years ago

I am unable to get the CountryData function to work. I have tried FinancialData, CityData, WeatherData, AstronomicalData, and ProteinData. They all work.

Is anyone having this problem?

POSTED BY: Jeffrey Lapides
8 Replies
Try resetting Mathematica to it's default installation configuration.
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Thanks, will try.

POSTED BY: Jeffrey Lapides
Posted 12 years ago
Hi Sean:

The examples in the documentation do not work for CountryData either before or after the following action.

I got a similar suggestion as yours on StackExchange yesterday. I deleted two directories from the repository involving CountryData. Mathematica does not redownload the directories when I execute CountryData and the function still fails.

Any other ideas?

POSTED BY: Updating Name
Please evaluate this code in Mathematica:
ToFileName[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Paclets", "Repository"}]
 This will print to the screen the location of the paclets repository. This is the file on your computer which saves cached information from all of the functions like CityData, WeatherData, FinancialData, etc.  Maybe there is something wrong with the cache here. You can delete this folder or the subfolders that are for CountryData and it will force Mathematica to try pulling the information off the web again.

Just to be sure, please try running the examples for CountryData in the documentation. Do these work for you?
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
In[9]:= CountryData["France", "Population"]
Out[9]= 6.47684*10^7
   works on my system, Windows 8, Mathematica   It did have to download some data for a few seconds before it gave the answer.  Presumably this data has to be updated regularly.
The downloads occurred for some of the other functions I tried, FinancialData, CityData, WeatherData, AstronomicalData, and ProteinData.

But CountryData fails. I wonder if the connection is different and there is a setting that is wrong on my system but I can't find anything. I'm running

POSTED BY: Jeffrey Lapides

Thanks for checking, still no luck on this end. Copied straight from the documentation.
In[209]:= CountryData["France", "Population"]

Out[209]= $Failed

In[210]:= FinancialData["GE", "MarketCap"]

Out[210]= 2.429*10^11

POSTED BY: Jeffrey Lapides
Posted 12 years ago
Working ok Sep 12 - 21:45 EST from Atlanta, GA
POSTED BY: Diego Zviovich
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