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Problem Using the Power (^) Operation in Mathematica

In am new to Mathematica and just learning how to use it.

I have encountered a rather unusual problem, most operations, such as + - / * work fine, at least when I used the numpad to type them in.  However, I cannot get the power operation to work consistently.  Somtimes mathematica will resolve and expression such as 2^2, other times it will not.  The problem also occurs with the alternatives, such as ctrl + ^ and power[2, 2].  I do not understand why it is working so inconsistently.  Can you please provide me with help regarding this function?
8 Replies
Yes. Sorry. The "Ctrl" is a typo and should be "Shift". Sorry about that.
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Sean Clarke wrote:
When you use Mathematica directly Ctrl+Enter is always needed to evaluate an expression.

That has to be a typo -- Shift+Enter evaluates, while Ctrl+Enter does something else (inserts a new row when entering a table or a matrix).

By the way, this is a more exhaustive listing of the various Keyboard Shortcuts.
POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
Posted 12 years ago
Sean - thanks for the useful insights about the relationships between Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha.
Can you elaborate - for Mr Barbieri and me - on the difference between Shift+Enter and Ctrl+Enter?
Shift+Enter seems to evaluate an expression, whereas Ctrl+Enter seems only to rewrite and return the expression in an alternate format.
Thanks, Ed
Please see the virtual book for an overview of how to use Mathematica. You are using Wolfram|Alpha in Mathematica instead of using Mathematica directly. When you use Wolfram|Alpha in Mathematica, you will notice big orange equal signs to the left of your code. This means you aren't using Mathemtica directly, but using Woflram|Alpha.

When you use Mathematica directly Ctrl+Enter is always needed to evaluate an expression.
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Actually I did not realize that, because I only had to press enter for Mathematica to evaluate most of the expressions I was using.  But your right, by pressing shift + enter, it is now consistently evaluating these expressions.

Thanks for the help.
Posted 12 years ago
Did you mean: " ... then Shift + Enter ... " each time when you wrote " ... then enter ... "
Like you, I am only beginning to use Mathematica, but usually it requires Shift + Enter to evaluate an expression.
But you probably already know this.
Good Luck.
Actually I was capitalizing Power in the program, I just wrote it down wrong in the thread.

More explicitly though, here is what happens.

Sometimes a write:

6^4 then enter

This will give
In:= 4^6
Out:= 4096
Other times I will write

6^4 then enter

This will then give absolutely nothing, it will just advance to the next line waiting for a text prompt.

I hope that provides a better idea of what is going on.
"power[2,2]" will not work because the word power must be capitalized. All built-in Mathematica expressions are capitalized.

Can you give us an example of where the carrot operator "^" is not working for you? What happens when you try to use it?

In general it should always work when given two numbers like:


If you have not read the virtual book, this may help you become more famailiar with how to get started with Mathematica.
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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