I don't know if this helps in isolating the problem, but here is another oddity related to the bug.
f[t_] = Piecewise[{{Exp[-t], 0 <= t < 1}}]
Integrate[f[t] + f[t - 2], {t, -1, 4}]
(* results in 2(-1+e)/e *)
Integrate[DiracDelta[t] + f[t] + f[t - 2], {t, -1, 4}]
(* results in (-1+e)/e *)
Integrate[Sum[x[[k]] f[t - 2 k], {k, 1, 5}], {t, -1, 20}]
(* results in 15(-1+e)/e *)
Integrate[DiracDelta[t] +Sum[x[[k]] f[t - 2 k], {k, 1, 5}], {t, -1, 20}]
(* results in (-1+e)/e *)
I tried the weighted sum of functions since in the notebook that I first encountered the problem, adding the delta function to the weighted sum resulted in not even being able to calculate the integral. In the example above Mathematica computed the integral; it just got the wrong result.