Hi Eric,
We believe we have narrowed down the cause of the issue. To put it shortly, the issue seems to be caused by an excessive amount of potential assert messages that are being prepared (a few for each of the pipe sections). When they contain dynamic information from the model, such as:
assert(p >= 0.0, "Pressure (= " + String(p) + " Pa) of medium \"" + mediumName + "\" is negative\n(Temperature = " + String(T) + " K)");
These currently need to be pre-allocated. We are currently working on a fix to avoid this. I'll let you know when I have a rough time-frame. A fix that can be applied in the mean time would be to make a slightly modified copy of the medium model, where all assert strings are constants, like:
assert(p >= 0.0, "Pressure of medium is negative");
I could help you with that. Is Modelica.Media.Air.SimpleAir the medium you are looking to use in your test models?
Regards, Patrik