Wolfram Community has no API, unlike StackExchange , but as Sander Huisman showed that just means we need to be a bit more creative (read hacky).
To that effect, I built a ServiceConnection
using a framework I wrote up ~6 months ago and have been hacking away with ever since.
I've loaded the connection onto my paclet server so you can load it like this:
Connecting to the "API"
Connect as usual:
And it's ready to go.
Currently I only have a few requests:
That "Discussions"
request is adapted almost directly from the one Sander showed:
But I've added a people searcher:
peep=$so["People", "Page"->1,"Tab"->"B"]
And I can extract my data:
me=peep[[2, "ID"]]
$so["PersonInfo", "ID"->me]
Or someone else's:
$so["PersonInfo", "ID"->78216]
And that's pretty much all I have for now, but I can add features on request.
You can check the available parameters to a command using the "RequestParameters"
I stick in all of my paclets:
$so["RequestParameters", "r"->"Discussions"]
Although this is currently broken for the "People"
$so["RequestParameters", "r"->"People"]
The parameters for that are actually:
But there's an internal detail my introspection code doesn't account for yet, so you see the nasty looking actual parameter names.
One final detail: this service connection is slooooooooooow .
But unfortunately there's nothing to do about that because Wolfram Community is sloooooooooooooooooooooooow . Something's probably misconfigured in the underlying API or framework. Or maybe it's just a bad framework to begin with.
In any case this:
URLRead["http://community.wolfram.com", "StatusCode"]//AbsoluteTiming
Is really unacceptable for a modern website.
And this:
URLRead["http://community.wolfram.com/people", "StatusCode"]//AbsoluteTiming
Is just ridiculous.
Until Wolfram Community joins the modern era performance wise, the ServiceConnection will be creaky.