All Day
Same idea as Touch Em All: this is the stereographic image of a Hamiltonian cycle on the 24-cell. The idea behind the code is the same, so look back at that post for an explanation (as before, the definition of ProjectedSphere[]
is not reproduced here; see Inside).
Stereo[{x1_, y1_, x2_, y2_}] := {x1/(1 - y2), y1/(1 - y2), x2/(1 - y2)}
smootherstep[t_] := 6 t^5 - 15 t^4 + 10 t^3;
twenty4cellvertices = Normalize /@
Permutations /@ ({-1, -1, 0, 0}^Join[#, {1, 1}] & /@ Tuples[{0, 1}, 2]), 1]
sorted24CellVertices =
Module[{v = twenty4cellvertices, M, ?, cycle},
M = Table[
If[v[[i]] != -v[[j]] && HammingDistance[v[[i]], v[[j]]] == 2, 1,
0], {i, 1, Length[v]}, {j, 1, Length[v]}];
? = AdjacencyGraph[M];
cycle = FindHamiltonianCycle[?];
v[[#[[1]] & /@ (cycle[[1]] /. UndirectedEdge -> List)]]
DynamicModule[{?, viewpoint = 1/2 {-1, 1, 1},
pts = N[sorted24CellVertices],
cols = RGBColor /@ {"#04E762", "#00A1E4", "#DC0073", "#011627"}},
? = ?/3 smootherstep[t];
Graphics3D[{Specularity[.4, 10],
ProjectedSphere[RotationMatrix[?, {pts[[i]], pts[[Mod[i + 1, Length[pts], 1]]]}].pts[[i]], .2],
{i, 1, Length[pts]}]},
PlotRange -> 4.5, ViewAngle -> ?/3, ViewPoint -> viewpoint,
Boxed -> False, Background -> cols[[-1]], ImageSize -> 540,
Lighting -> {{"Directional", cols[[1]],
50 {1, -1, 2}}, {"Directional", cols[[2]],
50 {1, 2, -1}}, {"Directional", cols[[3]],
50 {-2, -1, -1}}, {"Ambient", cols[[-1]]}}],
{t, 0, 1}]