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[?] Get polynomial roots multiplicity?

Posted 6 years ago

If you enter this example of a polynomial in Wolfram Alpha, you get the roots to be 1 and 3, but how can I get a read-out of the multiplicity of each root. Evidently, in this case it is 3 for x = 1 and 2 for x = 3.

POSTED BY: Antoni Parellada
3 Replies

I just got an email with a comment of yours:

Sorry, I'm not familiar with this cloud feature, and it's prompting me to decide between Wolfram Alpha input and Free-form input. And in either case I am not getting to reproduce your answer.

It doesn't show up here yet. But as a matter of fact you should not be prompted to decide between Wolfram Alpha or Free-form input. If you just click on the workspace and start typing it should work. Alternatively, if you click on the litte plus symbol you can choose Wolfram Language Input:

enter image description here

and start to type.



PS: Sorry, sometimes the comments show up with quite some delay on the Community.

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel


you might want to go to the open cloud:

and type in:

Roots[7 (x - 1)^3 (x - 3)^2 == 0, x]

The out put will be:

enter image description here



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Thank you! Just got it running now.

POSTED BY: Antoni Parellada
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