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Open models from SystemModeler libraries in Mathematica 11.3?

Mathematica 11.3 includes some system modeling functionality. Is it possible to import models from the System Modeler libraries ( to use with that functionality -- without having direct use of Wolfram System Modeler?

POSTED BY: Murray Eisenberg


With 11.3, this is indeed possible. Files downloaded from the library store have the format .sma (model library & model archive files) and can be imported using the Import function. Furthermore, files with the extension .mo (model files), .sma, .fmu (functional mock-up units ), and .sme (simulation files) can all be imported into the Wolfram Language without having direct use of Wolfram SystemModeler.

The documentation for each format provides a bit more context:

Since .mo files are textbased, written in the Modelica Language they can also be imported using the ImportString[data, "MO"] function.

POSTED BY: Patrik Ekenberg
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