I just got the new book ""Classical Mechanics with Mathematica", 2nd ed, by Romano and Marasco. The preface refers to available Mathematica notebooks, the cover includes a box "EXTRAS ONLINE".
Where are those notebooks found?
So far as I can see, there is no indication in the books' preface, colophon, etc., as to the notenooks' loccation. And the page for the book at the publisher's website, https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319775944, seems to have no link whatsoever to such notebooks. (The "Downloads" link there has as target an external site giving metrics on downloads of the ebook and individual chapters of it.)
In face, as I have begun to read the book, I have not yet found any mention of Mathematica, not even in exercises in the "Mechanics" part of the book, where the preface alleges that exercises using Mathematica may be found.