i'm a little confused a puzzled when it comes to the following : list {{"1,78 ", 323}, {"1,78 ", 3371}, {"1,77 ", 20}, {"1,79 ",
10}, {"1,77 ", 400}, {"1,78 ", 600}, {"1,77 ", 1140}, {"1,77 ",
90}, {"1,77 ", 10}, {"1,75 ", 50}, {"1,77 ", 1900}, {"1,77 ",
1490}, {"1,77 ", 10}, {"1,75 ", 3407}, {"1,74 ", 1500}, {"1,74 ",
4500}, {"1,74 ", 323}, {"1,75 ", 3000}, {"1,75 ", 3623}, {"1,75 ",
1377}, {"1,75 ", 1000}, {"1,75 ", 800},....}
For example :Map[Head, Take[%, {15}], {2}] and its out :{{String, Integer}} . Why I can not convert string for real when using ToExpression ?