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Is WolframConnector HTML modal for Twilio working?

Posted 6 years ago

I've been trying for hours on multiple devices and with different browsers and no matter what i do, the modal for Wolfram Connector to input AccountID and Token isn't working. On Safari, Chrome and Firefox on the Mac it operates the same way: first it won't let you paste in the information without deleting the previous field and then the two check-boxes for ToS and to "Save the Connection" don't work either.

I've attached a screenshot. Notice the irregularities in the check-boxes:

enter image description here

For those not familiar with Wolfram Connector, it's where one logs in to external services. In the case of Twilio, one can see the modal by evaluating the following code:


Anyone else having better luck?

Thanks in advance, Jose

2 Replies
Posted 6 years ago

Indeed. Wolfram Cloud it is. I made the mistake of thinking that since I used the Wolfram Development Platform category to create the question that it would imply so. My apologies.


I guess you are working in Wolfram Cloud, you should be specific of that, as they also have desktop product Mathematica. On desktop the connector window looks fine for me, but in Cloud, indeed, not:

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie
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