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I can not "open code" anymore

Posted 6 years ago

I have mathematica installed on my PC and I am logged in on When i type in any eqauation on the website and then push the button "open code" a new page is loading but it stays empty. Is there sth. wrong with my security setting?

Thx for any help. If my question is unclear just me.

POSTED BY: andreas gernert
2 Replies

I just tried this, but it seems to be working for me. If others are seeing a similar problem, please let us know.

Is this reproducible for you (for example, does it still happen if you restart your web browser, or if you use a different web browser?)

POSTED BY: Arnoud Buzing

it is reproduceable. It happens since I have my new Laptop. Approx. 2 months now. I am sure it has to do sth. with my setting on either browser, wolfram alpha or security.

POSTED BY: andreas gernert
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