Upon reading that 46P/Wirtanen will be closer to Earth than it has been (or will be) in centuries, despite having an orbital period of under 6 years, I was curious to see a picture of its orbital path superimposed with Earth's. Here is a simple one-liner that shows the two orbits, and the current positions of the two bodies. The rarity of the event is now clear as a bell:
Graphics3D[{Entity["Planet", "Earth"][
EntityProperty["Planet", "OrbitPath"]],
Entity["Comet", "Comet46PWirtanen"][
EntityProperty["Comet", "OrbitPath"]],
{Darker[Green, .2], PointSize[Medium],
Entity["Comet", "Comet46PWirtanen"][
EntityProperty["Comet", "HelioCoordinates"]]]},
{Red, PointSize[Medium],
Entity["Planet", "Earth"][
EntityProperty["Planet", "HelioCoordinates"]]]}},
Boxed -> False]
It looks a bit nicer in the front end: