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Exact GeoPosition from FormFunction

6 Replies

@Christopher Wolfram @Carlo Barbieri Thank you guys again for making this possible. It has been serving me and the Korean birds well :)

enter image description here - Congratulations! This post is now a Staff Pick as distinguished by a badge on your profile! Thank you, keep it coming, and consider contributing your work to the The Notebook Archive! We added your image also to the top for leading above the fold graphics. You might want to consider using Permissions -> "Public" in CloudDeploy as currently the content at URL you has given at the end cannot be viewed by general public.

POSTED BY: Moderation Team

Thank you for making this a staff pick and pointing out the permissions problem. I fixed it and improved the landing site for the FormFunction.

And here is the extension to do the same thing using OpenStreetMap and Leaflet.js:

mapControl[name_, defaultPosition_, defaultZoom_:15]:=Function[EmbeddedHTML@StringTemplate["
<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"mapField\" name=\"`Name`\">

<div id=\"selectionMap\" style=\"width:400px;height:400px;\"></div>


field = document.getElementById(\"mapField\")
defaultPosition = [`Latitude`,`Longitude`]
var map =\"selectionMap\").setView(defaultPosition, `DefaultZoom`);
mapLink ='<a href=\"\">OpenStreetMap</a>';
    'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    attribution: 'Map data &copy;'  + mapLink,
    maxZoom: 18
var marker = L.marker(defaultPosition,
{draggable: false})

if(navigator.geolocation) {
    console.log, {enableHighAccuracy: true});


"][<|"Name"-> name, "Latitude"->defaultPosition[[1,1]],"Longitude"->defaultPosition[[1,2]],"DefaultZoom"->defaultZoom|>]]

Deploying it:

    "Label"->"Drag the map so the marker points at your location",

The new form: the form using open street map The new result: the new return image The link to the OSM form:

Slow to find this, but… why is this not possible in WL itself? As a simple example, a control that is a ClickPane with a map as the background? In truth I'm having trouble understanding how arbitrary control functions return a value to the form.

POSTED BY: Gareth Russell
POSTED BY: Adiba Shaikh
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