One the one hand we have worldwide users with strong knowledge in Wolfram language, Mathematica and so and on the other hand we have a worldwide experts in all kind of sciences (astronomy, biolgical sciences, Chemistry, ....), engineering, biotechnology and Medicine, finance, statics, business analysis, etc.
There are countless combinations to promote interdisciplinary research projects worldwide.
How about a worldwide Research platform as successful tool for interdisciplinary research cooperation projects?
For example: astronomers meets machine learning experts, data scientists meets biologists, material scientists meet mathematicians, financial analysts meet statisticians, etc...
So, I strongly encourage the establishment of a research platform for academics and research groups to promote interdisciplinary projects.
What do you think?
What can be done to establish and promote this idea?
What can be done for more exchange between WL experts and scientists and researchers?
I do really hope that further attempts are made to promote interdisciplinary exchange...
best regards,