How to label faces of a cube with numbers 1 to 6? First, I'll turn text outlines into polygons.
SymbolToPolygon[symbol_, dimension_: "3D"] :=
Module[{pol, poly, index, pos, minmax, diffs, poly2D},
pol = (Cases[ImportString[ExportString[symbol, "PDF"], "PDF"], _FilledCurve, \[Infinity]][[1, 2]]);
poly = pol[[1]];
index = 2;
While[index <= Length[pol],
pos = Position[poly, Nearest[poly, pol[[index, 1]]][[1]]][[1, 1]] ;
poly = Join[Take[poly, pos], Reverse[pol[[index]]], Drop[poly, pos - 1]];
minmax = MinMax /@ Transpose[poly];
diffs = #[[2]] - #[[1]] & /@ minmax;
poly2D = (# - Mean /@ minmax)/Max[diffs] & /@ poly;
If[dimension === "2D", Polygon[poly2D], Polygon[Append[#, 1] & /@ poly2D]]]
After that, rotations and the cube
tab={{0,{0,1,0}},{Pi/2,{0,1,0}},{Pi/2,{1,0,0}},{-Pi/2,{1,0,0}},{-Pi/2,{0,1,0}},{Pi,{0,1,0}} };
Can anyone improve on that?