User Portlet
Featured Contributor
Ed Pegg
Wolfram Research
LOCATION: Champaign
Helped with A New Kind of Science, Numb3rs, and MathWorld. Currently editor of the Wolfram Demonstrations Project. The creator of Mathematical Games talks series the notebooks for which you can find below.
- Mathematical Games: game of life circuitry
- The Tom Sirgedas 45°-60°-75° square dissection
- Mathematical Games: puzzles on a square grid
- Mathematical Games: 2025, other numbers and OEIS
- Happy 2025 =1³+2³+3³+4³+5³+6³+7³+8³+9³!
- Mathematical Games - diving into cards: set, dominoes, spot-it, scrabble & more
- Mathematical Games - diving into cards: set, dominoes, spot-it, scrabble & more
- Mathematical Games: anagrams, letter banks and other wordplay
- Mathematical Games: linkages
- Porcelain cube by Ai Wei Wei
- Mathematical Games: ordering and canonical forms
- Different ordinary graphs: creation and visualization
- New record in elliptic curves by Elkies-Klagsbrun: rank 29
- Mathematical Games: Icosahedra and other polyforms
- Mathematical Games: Turing machines
- Order-3 non-fractal irreptiles: from triangles to Vesa Timonen pentagon and Mineyuki Uyematsu chair
- New Vesa Timonen irreptile: pentagon cut into its own smaller copies & plastic constant powers sides
- Mathematical Games: Linear Algebra magic
- The Math of the Marianne Olympics 2024 Logo
- Mathematical Games: combinatorial codes and designs
- Mathematical Games: space-filling curves
- Pi, the Golden Ratio and the Tribonacci Constant
- A smooth sequence of numbers like 799779977=17*19^6
- Happy end problem: n-gons in generally positioned n points
- The Psi 0-1-2 triangle dissection
- Mathematical Games: Hexagrammum Mysticum
- Mathematical Games: Surfaces
- 2024 = 2³+3³+4³+5³+6³+7³+8³+9³ What's your math one-liner for the New Year 2024?
- Mathematical Games: configurations
- The largest no-3-in-a-row polycube is a unique 26-cube
- The restored bells of Notre Dame: masses and sizes
- Mathematical Games: Special Triangles and Tetrahedra
- Mathematical Games: Multistate Mazes
- Mathematical Games: History and Science of Oppenheimer Movie and Manhattan Project
- Mathematical Games: Tetrahedral Centers
- Mathematical Games: The Hat and Other Tilings
- The Goldberg tile
- Einstein problem solved (aperiodic monotile discovery)
- Mathematical Games: Algebraic number magic
- The most spherical isohedron
- A graph of length units that have integer relations with each other
- Choe's Irregular Hexagon
- Mathematical Games: Fun with Fractions
- Mathematical Games: Collection of Points and Lines
- Discovery of pentagon tilings: celebrating Marjorie Rice centenary
- Dividing a square into similar but unequal pieces
- Make 2023 with math: PowerMod[7, 7, 7!] = 2023. Your turn!
- Sparse ruler data
- [GiF] Engel 38-sided space-filling polyhedron
- Signed Permutations: new resource function
- Series rectangle dissections
- Herschel enneahedron
- Discrepancy Conjecture
- Perfect and almost perfect rings (chains) of 4-antiprisms
- 45-60-75 triangles in a square
- Lots of substitution tilings
- A Mondrian art problem poster
- A miracle Sudoku discovery - duplicate bridge
- The 27_4 Configuration in Barycentrics
- 2016 puzzles: can you calculate these values?
- Coding new pentagon tiling
- Rational tetrahedra: edge lengths from given angles
- The 2021 Problem
- Self-generating Oldenburger-Kolakoski sequence
- Bracing a heptagon
- Advances in Squared Squares
- Frobenius 21 group
- Diagonal Cellular Automata
- Sparse Ruler Conjecture
- Twelve Prisms
- The Octagonal Dodecahedron
- The Delian Brick and other 3D self-similar dissections
- Pool Noodle Spikey
- A 5-chromatic unit distance graph
- A perfect similar rectangle dissection
- For Pi Day: Volume=3.141 -- The Canonical Tetragonal Antiwedge Hexahedron
- Narayana Cow Triangle Fractal
- The Basketball Scoring Approximation of 67% at 40 points.
- Basis of factors for large degree polynomials
- Lines of 4 points and 3 degrees above zero
- A lune of sequential squares
- Area/Volume of a Triangle, Tetrahedron, 4-Simplex, 5-Simplex, ....
- Mrs. Perkins's Quilts
- Other Way Maze
- Splitting a Googolplex for Goldbach
- Angled Langton's Ant
- The Mondrian Art Problem
- The Hippasus Primes
- Thirty Distinct Rectangle Polyhedron
- Seven Triangle Octahedron
- Extreme Orchards for Gardner
- Blanche Dissections
- Showing a Fractal Line
- Rational Distance Problem
- Zak's Triangle
- Triangle Radicals
- Squeezing Pi from a Menger Sponge
- The Smallest Projective Space and other lines of 3
- A New Solid of Constant Width
- Biggest Little Polyhedra