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Can Diagonal[] be used in Compile ?

Posted 5 years ago

Can the Diagonal[] function (which returns the diagonal of a matrix) be used in a Compile function ?From the error message in the code below, it seems that the Compile thinks the Diagonal function returns a table of Depth 2, and not of depth 1 (as it does really). Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding something ?

Thank you for your help,

DiagCompile = 
 Compile[{{statearray, _Integer, 2}}, 
  Module[{res = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, res = Diagonal[statearray]; res]]

During evaluation of In[102]:= Compile::cset: Variable res of type {_Integer,1} encountered in assignment of type {_Integer,2}.

During evaluation of In[102]:= Compile::cset: Variable res of type {_Integer,1} encountered in assignment of type {_Integer,2}.
9 Replies
Posted 5 years ago

Even if Diagonal[] is not compilable, one can use Transpose[] instead in a compiled function to extract the diagonal:

cf4 = Compile[{{mat, _Integer, 2}}, Transpose[mat, {1, 1}]];

(Using CompilePrint[] shows that the function has compiled successfully without a MainEvaluate call.)

Comparing this with @Szabolcs's examples, it is a bit faster than the other compiled functions, but still slower than an actual call to Diagonal[].


Excellent, thanks a lot !


Hi Thibaut,

I guess you have to define the return type of Diagonal:

diagCompile = 
 Compile[{{statearray, _Integer, 2}}, 
  Module[{res = {0, 0, 0, 0}}, res = Diagonal[statearray];
   res], {{Diagonal[_], _Integer, 1}}]

Regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Unfortunately, it is still not compiled:

In[3]:= CompilePrint[diagCompile]

Out[3]= "
       1 argument
       4 Tensor registers
       Underflow checking off
       Overflow checking off
       Integer overflow checking on
       RuntimeAttributes -> {}

       T(I2)0 = A1
       T(I1)1 = {0, 0, 0, 0}
       Result = T(I1)2

1   T(I1)2 = CopyTensor[ T(I1)1]]
2   T(I1)3 = MainEvaluate[ Hold[Diagonal][ T(I2)0]]
3   T(I1)2 = CopyTensor[ T(I1)3]]
4   Return

However, Diagonal is so fast that it will still evaluate faster this way than a direct re-implementation.

In[22]:= cf = Compile[{{mat, _Integer, 2}},
    diag = Table[mat[[{i, i}]], {i, Length[mat]}]

In[23]:= cf2 = Compile[{{mat, _Integer, 2}},
    diag = Diagonal[mat]
   {{Diagonal[_], _Integer, 1}}

In[24]:= m = RandomInteger[100, {2000, 2000}];

In[25]:= Diagonal[m]; // RepeatedTiming

Out[25]= {9.0*10^-6, Null}

In[26]:= cf[m]; // RepeatedTiming

Out[26]= {0.030, Null}

In[27]:= cf2[m]; // RepeatedTiming

Out[27]= {0.0071, Null}

In[28]:= m = RandomInteger[100, {200, 200}];

In[29]:= Diagonal[m]; // RepeatedTiming

Out[29]= {9.*10^-7, Null}

In[30]:= cf[m]; // RepeatedTiming

Out[30]= {0.00009, Null}

In[31]:= cf2[m]; // RepeatedTiming

Out[31]= {0.0000152, Null}

However, as you can see, not compiling it will be by far the fastest. Given that Diagonal works with packed arrays, it seems like an oversight that it is not compilable ...

What bothers me now is that if we declare that {Diagonal[_], _Integer, 1}, then can we still work with diagonals of both integer and real matrices in this compiled function? Is there a better solution?

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

This compiled implementation seems competitive in speed with a MainEvaluate to Diagonal:

cf3 = Compile[{{mat, _Integer, 2}},
   diag = Flatten[mat][[Range[1, Length[mat]^2, Length[mat] + 1]]]
POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

To be complete : my question came up while writing code to play gomoku (game where you need to aling 5 stones on a go board), using MonteCarlo Tree search algorithm. The most time-consuming part in my implementation is the function which checks if the considered move is a win : I need to consider the possibility to have 5 aligned stones on a line, column, or diagonal including the current played stone.
Eventually, I didn't use the diagonal function but took directly parts of the array. Using a compiled function gave me a susbtantial speed-up compared to my previous, non-compiled, function, but maybe I am still far from optimal... Here is the code I am currently using:

CheckWin2Comp = 
 Compile[{{statearray, _Integer, 2}, {posx, _Integer}, {posy, _Integer}, {player, _Integer}}, 
  Module[{linec = {1, 1}, colc = {1, 1}, diag1c = {1, 1, 11}, 
    diag2c = {1, 1}, arraysize = Length[statearray], candidatesline = {0}, 
    candidatescol = {0}, candidatesdiag1 = {0},candidatesdiag2 = {0}},
   linec = statearray[[posx, Max[posy - 4, 1] ;; Min[posy + 4, arraysize]]];
   If[Count[linec, player] > 4, 
    candidatesline = Total /@ Partition[linec, 5, 1], 
    candidatesline = {0}];
   If[MemberQ[candidatesline, 5 player], Return[player]];
   colc = Transpose[statearray][[posy, Max[posx - 4, 1] ;; Min[posx + 4, arraysize]]];
   If[Count[colc, player] > 4, 
    candidatescol = Total /@ Partition[colc, 5, 1], 
    candidatescol = {0}];
   If[MemberQ[candidatescol, 5 player], Return[player]];
   diag1c = 
    Table[statearray[[posx - i, posy - i]], {i, 
      Max[-4, Max[posx - arraysize, posy - arraysize]], 
      Min[4, Min[posx, posy] - 1]}];
   candidatesdiag1 = Total /@ Partition[diag1c, 5, 1];
   If[MemberQ[candidatesdiag1 , 5 player], Return[player]];
   diag2c = 
    Table[statearray[[posx - i, posy + i]], {i, 
      Max[-4, Max[posx - arraysize, 1 - posy]], 
      Min[4, Min[posx, arraysize - posy + 1] - 1]}];
   candidatesdiag2 = Total /@ Partition[diag2c, 5, 1];
   If[MemberQ[candidatesdiag2 , 5 player], Return[player]];
   Return[0]], CompilationTarget -> "C", 
  RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable}, Parallelization -> True]

Hi Szabolcs,

thank you for this - as always - interesting contribution! In my "solution" I regarded this as a minimal example showing the problem and so was caring about syntax, not about efficiency. I am assuming that virtually all WL-functions are compiled; compiling a compiled function does not make much sense! But my primary question: What is CompilePrint[]? Is it some new function of MM v12.0 ?

Regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Actually CompilePrint is very old. I forgot to mention that you need to


before you can use it.

CompilePrint will show the byte code generated for the "Wolfram Virtual Machine" (WVM) by Compile. Actually, it will show it in a human readable form.

If you see a MainEvaluate, it means that whatever's inside it does not run in the WVM. Instead, it must call back to the kernel.


In[9]:= << CompiledFunctionTools`

In[10]:= cf1 = Compile[{{n, _Integer}}, ConstantArray[0, n]];

In[11]:= CompilePrint[cf1]

Out[11]= "
       1 argument
       2 Integer registers
       1 Tensor register
       Underflow checking off
       Overflow checking off
       Integer overflow checking on
       RuntimeAttributes -> {}

       I0 = A1
       I1 = 0
       Result = T(I1)0

1   T(I1)0 = MainEvaluate[ Hold[ConstantArray][ I1, I0]]
2   Return

In[12]:= cf2 = Compile[{{n, _Integer}}, Table[0, {n}]];

In[13]:= CompilePrint[cf2]

Out[13]= "
       1 argument
       6 Integer registers
       1 Tensor register
       Underflow checking off
       Overflow checking off
       Integer overflow checking on
       RuntimeAttributes -> {}

       I0 = A1
       I4 = 0
       I2 = 1
       Result = T(I1)0

1   I1 = I0
2   I5 = I4
3   T(I1)0 = Table[ I1]
4   I3 = I4
5   goto 7
6   Element[ T(I1)0, I5] = I4
7   if[ ++ I3 <= I1] goto 6
8   Return

This shows that Table is compilable, but ConstantArray is not. Thus Table is the better choice.

MainEvaluate is not necessarily a problem. It only matters if evaluation spends a significant amount of time on it.

POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát

Wow, Szabolcs, very interesting and helpful! Thank you very much again!

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner
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