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Reflection and Anamorphosis in a Spherical Mirror

Posted 6 years ago
POSTED BY: Erik Mahieu
4 Replies
Posted 3 years ago

Hello Erik, I am very curious about your project, and was wondering if we could communicate over pm for some questions that I have? Thank you.

POSTED BY: Rohan Lopez
Posted 6 years ago

Thanks Frederick for your interest and nice compliment! Here is an article that might interest you (unfortunately in French but with a lot of drawings, code and formulas...) "Images dans un miroir sphérique" by Henri Bouasse

He treats about reflection in a sphere. It is clear from this article that the math and coding of reflection is way more complicated than anamorphism. Something I also realized during my "experiments".

This is one of his examples and he explains the math and geometry of reflection of spheres, cylinders, cubes, etc. in a special mirror.

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Erik Mahieu

Erik's Anamorphic Reflections Seasons (2D and 3D, cylindrical and sphere) are much more exciting and certainly more productive than "The Game of Thrones".

Something is similar. I printed a 3D spikey model ?top image?a few months before. Later one of my friends took a photo with a crystal ball ?bottom image?. It’s interesting to compare the result of spherical lens and spherical mirror. And notice their difference.

enter image description here enter image description here

It's interesting to modeling a spherical lens with Mathematica. Later it's possible to combine mirrors and lens to build more complex optical system.

POSTED BY: Frederick Wu

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