2 Cos[?1[t]] - 1.5 Sin[?1[t]] == 0.08 Cos[?2[t]]^2 - 0.08 Sin[?2[t]]^2 +0.05/?1 Cos[?1/2[t]],
2 Sin[?1[t]] + 1.5 Cos[?1[t]] == 2* 0.08 Cos[?2[t]] Sin[?2[t]] + Sin[?1/2[t]]
Thanks Mr. Nasser
Yes, i had written the equations without considering the time dependent variables. now i re-wrote them here, where it is visible that i need to find out the solutions of theta 1 and theta 2 as a function of time. it is actually, the two angles of a two link manipulator which are moving and so their values are changing at every instant of time. so i need to find that out and to plot that.
i do hope now, if u can help me find out something for this.
again sorry to you and other brothers who were trying to solve this.