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Modelling Ambulance Coverage Using Isochrones

Currently public health officials measure ambulance coverage using a simple radius (for urban areas this radius is typically 2.5 miles). However, using a radius to model coverage doesn’t give a realistic representation of expected ambulance response times. Modeling coverage using isochrones seems like the most natural fit to accurately measure response times. Isochrones represent all locations that can be travelled to within a certain time limit. In accordance with the Office of the Inspector General’s recommended response times for emergency medical services, we built isochrones of a 5 minute ‘radius’. We take an area located on the South Side of Chicago and subdivide it into potential points we can travel to:

NL1 = Subdivide[41.64952897794792`, 41.81247732431524`, 20];
NL2 = Subdivide[-87.71329065894878`, -87.55250871202725`, 20];
grid = Tuples[{NL1, NL2}];
geogrid = Thread[GeoPosition[#] &@grid];
geogridplot = GeoListPlot[geogrid, PlotStyle -> {Lighter@Cyan, Thin}, 
  GeoBackground -> GeoStyling["StreetMapNoLabels", 
  GeoStylingImageFunction -> (ImageAdjust@Darker@ColorNegate@ColorConvert[#1, "Grayscale"] &)]];

We select the following ambulance location to build an isochrones for:

ambl = GeoPosition[{41.68740625454284`, -87.62413685881735`}];
ambulancesite= GeoListPlot[ambl, PlotStyle -> {Lighter@Red, Thick}];
Show[geogridplot, ambulancesite]

enter image description here

The red point is our ambulance site and the blue points are our grid points.

We start by calculating the distance from our chosen ambulance location to each of the points on our grid using the built in TravelTime[] function:

tt =  TravelTime[{ambl, #}] & /@ geogrid;

We send the quantity $Failed to an arbitrary travel time greater than 5 minutes then convert the travel time in minutes to an integer quantity given in seconds.

tt = tt /. {$Failed -> Quantity[100, "Minutes"]};
tt = QuantityMagnitude[UnitConvert[tt]];

Points we cannot travel to within 5 minutes (300 seconds) are coded as 0 and points we can travel to within our time limit are coded as 1.

tt1= tt /. n_Integer /; n < 301 -> 1;
tt0 = tt1 /. n_Integer /; n > 300 -> 0;
coordinates1 = DeleteCases[tt0*grid,0]

coordinates1 only contains points we can reach from our ambulance site within 5 minutes. Now, we want to visualize our isochrones:

isotest = TravelDirections[{ambl, #}] & /@ coordinates1;

GeoGraphics[Style[Line[isotest], Thick, Lighter@Red], {GeoBackground -> GeoStyling["StreetMapNoLabels", 
             GeoStylingImageFunction -> (ImageAdjust@Darker@ColorNegate@ColorConvert[#1, "Grayscale"] &)]}]

enter image description here

This is a rough approximation of all points we can travel to within 5 minutes from our starting point. We can refine our approximation by taking the CoordinateBound[] of the points from that we can travel to within 320 seconds from our initial travel times-tt-and then subdivide the region to get a new grid of potential points. Here we are allowing ourselves a 20 second error margin to make sure we don’t miss any points we can travel to.

ltt = tt /. n_Integer /; n < 321 -> 1;
Ott = ltt /. n_Integer /; n > 320 -> 0;
co320= Ott*grid;
co320 = DeleteCases[co320, {0., 0.}];
{{41.6495, 41.7147}, {-87.6651, -87.5766}}

Next we create a separate grid to run the TravelTime[] function over:

I1 = Subdivide[41.64952897794792`, 41.71470831649485`, 31];
I2 = Subdivide[-87.66505607487233`, -87.57662600406547`, 31];
IG = Tuples[{I1, I2}];

Subdividing this coordinate bound gives us 1024 points we can travel to within 320 seconds. Now, we run the exact same procedure above to better refine the isochrones:

IG = Thread[GeoPosition[#] &@IG];
itt = TravelTime[{ambl, #}] & /@ IG;
itt= itt /. {$Failed -> Quantity[100, "Minutes"]};
itt =  QuantityMagnitude[UnitConvert[itt]];
lit = itt /. n_Integer /; n < 301 -> 1;
Oit = lit /. n_Integer /; n > 300 -> 0;
coordinates2 = Oit*IG;
coordinates2= DeleteCases[coordinates2, 0];
iso = TravelDirections[{ambl, #}] & /@ coordinates2;

Finally we are able to map our improved isochrones and compare the difference in estimating ambulance coverage with a simple radius and isochrones.

GeoGraphics[{{Blue, GeoDisk[ambl, Quantity[2.5, "Miles"]]}, 
  Style[Line[iso], Thick, Lighter@Red]}, {GeoBackground -> 
    GeoStylingImageFunction -> (ImageAdjust@
        Darker@ColorNegate@ColorConvert[#1, "Grayscale"] &)]}]

enter image description here

Using a simple radius overestimates coverage in some areas and underestimates coverage in others.

POSTED BY: William Rudman
6 Replies

Thank you for sharing the API. There is a lot of interesting work that can be done by factoring in how time of day/traffic impacts coverage.

POSTED BY: William Rudman

Using data from OpenStreetMap, I calculated the distances between many cities. Then I arranged the cities in a 5 dimensional space so that the euclidian distance between 2 cities in the 5 dimensions is the street distance. The advantage is: if you have that 5 dimensional coordinate of 2 cities, you can calculate the street distance very fast just by calculating the length of the 5 dim. vector between the 2 cities.

POSTED BY: Martin Schlatter


I had some interns one year use Google Maps API to get travel times. Google has a product that calculates a distance matrix. You construct a URL and send it to Google maps and it will return the travel times including traffic. It would be a cool addition to add a function to get the real time traffic and plot the isochrones as they change throughout the day with traffic. link to the API Awesome work, BTW!



POSTED BY: Neil Singer

TravelTime[] is a built-in Mathematica function that computes the estimated time of driving between two locations without taking traffic into account. You can even specify what method of travel you would to use with the aptly named function TravelMethods.

POSTED BY: William Rudman
Posted 6 years ago

How did you calculate travel time? Another service, estimation or your own bespoke travel time algorithm?

POSTED BY: Bryan Johnson

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