We can extract information from WordCloud
in order to translate a collection of regions so they pack nicely. First I'll create some BoundaryMeshRegions
similar to how the glyphs were created by OP:
$letters = Table[BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics[
Text[Style[c, Italic, FontFamily -> "Times"]], _Text], {c, Alphabet[]}];
n = 30;
glyphs = RandomChoice[$letters, n];
scales = RandomReal[5, n],
RandomSeeding -> 1234
Plot the word cloud using random orientations:
wc = WordCloud[AssociationThread[glyphs, scales], WordSpacings -> 0,
WordOrientation -> "Random", RandomSeeding -> 1234]

Notice that the objects aren't quite touching. Luckily when we convert this scene back to a collection of regions, they will seem to be touching. I think this has to do with padding within Inset
. Using regions in the beginning rather then just graphics makes it easier to convert the insets into explicit coordinates and avoid padding.
insets = Cases[wc2, _Inset, ?];
insetToReg[mr_, c_, p_, s_] :=
TranslationTransform[c - RegionCentroid[BoundingRegion[#]]]],
MeshCellStyle -> {1 -> Black, 2 -> RandomColor[Hue[_]]}]& @ RegionResize[mr[[1]], s]
BlockRandom[Show[insetToReg @@@ insets], RandomSeeding -> 1234]

Or if you prefer a region instead of just a visualization:
RegionUnion[insetToReg @@@ insets]

We can do this for polygons too:
polys =
Line[Mod[Range[16], 15, 1]]] &[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {15, 2}]], n];
scales = RandomReal[{0, 1}, n],
RandomSeeding -> 1234
wc = WordCloud[AssociationThread[polys, scales], WordSpacings -> 0,
WordOrientation -> "Random", RandomSeeding -> 1234];
BlockRandom[Show[insetToReg @@@ Cases[wc, _Inset, ?]],
RandomSeeding -> 1234]