I am curious to understand why Hue[0] == Hue[1] does not evaluate to either True or False or at least some other Explanation message. Instead I get the initial expression with Color object substitution. Then using === I get False but we know that Hue[0] and Hue[1] are identical so at least one of == or === should have provided me with a True. See code below:
In[83]:= Hue[0] === Hue[1]
Out[83]= False
In[89]:= Hue[0] == Hue[1]
Out[89]= Hue[0] == Hue[1]
In[85]:= ColorConvert[Hue[0], "RGB"] // InputForm
Out[85]//InputForm= RGBColor[1., 0., 0.]
In[86]:= ColorConvert[Hue[1], "RGB"] // InputForm
Out[86]//InputForm= RGBColor[1., 0., 0.]