I've been involved in the writing of ten activities for students to begin to use the Wolfram Language on their Raspberry Pi's (the same activities can be undertaken without a Pi on the Wolfram Cloud). I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has used them with students or their own sons/daughters.
Any feedback would be most welcome as we look to develop future projects (and make use of the new features in V12 on the RPi that is imminent)
You can find the projects here: https://projects.raspberrypi.org/en/projects?software%5B%5D=wolfram
Here's a taster:
Which Harry Potter character do you look like?
In this project, students use images of Harry Potter characters to train their own AI facial recognition app. With a simple Import command, the Wolfram Language can import Google search images to train a classifier function:
The resulting classifier can be used to give a best guess at the Harry Potter character most likely to be shown in a photo. For example: 
Crossword solver
Students use pattern matching in word dictionaries to create an app that will suggest possible crossword answers.
They use WolframAlphas knowledge base to find possible word matches and create an interface to the user to type in patterns for their crossword: 
Face swap
In this project, students are able to start with an image of people they know, for example:
They use the Wolfram Language function FindFaces to extract and find the position of the faces in the image. They swap the positions and with a little tinkering at the edges, they ImageCompose to create this: