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Extract specific column from FacialFeatures output dataset

Posted 6 years ago


as newbie in Wolfram language, I went through documentation in order to figure out how I can select only specific columns from the output dataset of the FacialFeatures built-in symbol. So what I did is :

In[1]:= Dataset[FacialFeatures[Import["C:/images/people.jpeg"]], "Gender","Age"]

But didn't work so far. it's still giving me all columns ignoring data[...] built-in symbol

How can I get only the requested columns ?

Thanks for your support.

POSTED BY: Arcondo Dasilva
2 Replies

For tecture LBP, Gabor and SIFT are a good starting point, and geometric (FAP) features, using Adaboost, mRMR and SVM feature selection algorithms could be helpfull.. Hoping it can help you..

Issue Solved. That has to be like this (too much reading : I mean documentation :-)):

In[1]:= FacialFeatures[Import["C:/images/people.jpeg"], {"Gender","Age"}]

With this you get only required columns of dataset.

POSTED BY: Arcondo Dasilva
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