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Avoid syntax issue in cloud notebooks (" _." converted to "_" and ".")?

Posted 6 years ago

I have found what I am certain is a bug in wolfram cloud. I generate the following code in Mathematica and then save it to the cloud.

List@@Expand[(1+x)^6]/.a_. x^b_.->{b,a}

This initially runs correctly in the cloud notebook. But if I edit the notebook on the cloud, for example changing the exponent in the expansion from 6 to 7, then running the notebook results in a syntax error. I looked at the text on the cloud after editing the notebook and the " _." has been converted to separate objects, "_" and ".".

POSTED BY: Mike Luntz
2 Replies

Thanks for the report! This is a cloud bug indeed. Incidentally, we're already working on an overhaul of our client-side input tokenizer (where this is currently going wrong) that will fix this issue. I've still filed a bug ticket in our system (just for reference: CLOUD-15982).

As a workaround for now, you could use an explicit Optional wrapper, i.e.


instead of:

POSTED BY: Jan Poeschko
Posted 6 years ago

Thanks for the workaround suggestion Jan.

POSTED BY: Mike Luntz
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