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Use Subscript / Superscript without changing notation?

Posted 5 years ago

I apoligize for my English and I'm not sure this is the right place to post this.

I'm using Mathematica to take notes for my economics class. Sometimes when using subscript or superscript, the program automatically changes the notation. For example, enter image description here turns into:

Subscript[y, t] = Subscript[Y, t]/Subscript[L, t]

I realize they are identical statements; however, is there any way to disable this automatic notation, as it makes the notes less visually intuitive.

Thanks in advance! Tobias

POSTED BY: Tobias Thykjær
Posted 5 years ago

Hi Tobias,

Try changing the cell style to Code or CodeText. For notes you could also use the Text style with inline formulas. See this and the Related Tutorials link on that page.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
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