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Optimization using Nminimize

Posted 5 years ago

Hello all,

I have the following equation:

enter image description here

The terms A11i and rest varibales have R0 and Ri as input.

I want to optimize and get the maximum value for that expression. I want to see corresponding R0 and Ri.

I tried to run the program and I got the following error

"The following constraints are not valid: {0,0.004<=Subscript[R, \
i],1/125<=Subscript[R, o],Subscript[R, i]<=0.006,Subscript[R, \
o]<=1/100}. Constraints should be equalities, inequalities, or domain \
specifications involving the variables"

Could anyone please let me know what could be the possible error.

Regards, Gowtham

POSTED BY: Gowtham A
3 Replies

It is impossible to really diagnose without having full input to replicate the issue.

Please paste copy&pastable code instead of screenshots. It is not fair to the people who are trying to assist to make them need to retype all your content based on some images.

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
Posted 5 years ago

Ditto on what @Mariusz Iwaniuk says.

From the image it appears that r=0 is used when that should be r==0. However, why not just set r to zero?

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
Posted 5 years ago

hey @Mariusz. I can understand. I tried to paste my codes, but the codes were in rawinput form which was getting difficult to read. That's why I posted an image and I don't mind sharing my file. You can find it in the attachments.

So the equation Wext gives certain deflection value. I want to get the maximum value of that for the given range of other variables Ro, Ri , tpz and other variables.

I tried some code and it seems the values for Ro and Ri always gives higher values of it which I believe is not correct.

Please check my code and give me your input if youve one.

Thank you.

Regards, Gowtham

POSTED BY: Gowtham A
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