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Finding local minima of an energy defined by integration in Mathematica

Posted 4 years ago

This question is also asked here.

I would like to reproduce the two solid curves in Fig. 1a of this paper. The total energy is given in Appendix A of the paper, and the curve is obtained by minimizing the energy with respect to the variational parameters $\sigma_k$ and $d$. I'm not sure what dimensionless variables they used on the code, but I'll expresses the energy using $(x,y,z)=(\sigma_x,\sigma_y,\sigma_z)/\bar{a}$; $(wx,wy,wz)=(\omega_x,\omega_y,\omega_z)/\bar{\omega}$; $as=a_s/\bar{a}$ and so on. (Notice that $\bar{a}$ has length dimension and $\bar{\omega}$ has the dimension inverse time).


Idip[X_?NumericQ, Y_?NumericQ, u_?NumericQ] := Re[Exp[-u^2/2] - 
3 X*Y/(1 - X^2)^(3/2) NIntegrate[v^2 Exp[-u^2 X^2 v^2/(2 (1 - X^2) (1 - v^2))]/(Sqrt[1 - v^2] Sqrt[1 - v^2 (1 - Y^2)/(1 - X^2)]), {v, 0, 
Sqrt[1 - X^2]}]];

f[X_?NumericQ, Y_?NumericQ] := Re[Idip[X, Y, 0]];

Iqf[u_?NumericQ] := Re[2 Exp[-5 u^2/8]/Sqrt[Pi] NIntegrate[
Exp[-l^2] Cosh[Sqrt[2/5] u*l]^(5/2), {l, 0, Infinity}]];

ettot[x_, y_, z_, u_, wy_] := h*w[wy]/Kb (1/4 (1/x^2 + 1/y^2 + 1/z^2) + 
1/4 (wx[wy]^2 x^2 (1 + u^2/2) + wy^2 y^2 + wz[wy]^2 z^2) + 
as[wy]*n/(2 Sqrt[2 Pi] (x*y*z)) (1 + Exp[-u^2/2]) + 
add[wy]*n/(2 Sqrt[2 Pi] (x*y*z)) (-f[x/z, y/z] - 
Idip[x/z, y/z, u]) + 512*Sqrt[2] as[wy]^(5/2) n^(3/2)/(75 Sqrt[5] Pi^(7/4) (x*y*z)^(3/2)) (1 + 
3 add[wy]^2/as[wy]^2) Iqf[u]);

Obs: In the code, wx and wz are dimensionless, but wy has the dimension inverse time. Morover, since they have used Kelvin units, I divided the total energy by Kb.

In order to find the local minima I have used the following code based on the one found here:

a0 = 5.29*10^(-11); (* Bohr radius *)
h = 1.054*10^(-34); (* Reduced Planck's constant *)
M = 163.9*1.66*10^(-27); (* Dy-164 mass in kg *)
wxx = 2 Pi*70; (* Experimental value of x-frequency *)
wzz = 2 Pi*1000; (* Experimental value of z-frequency *)
w[wy_] := (wxx*wy*wzz)^(1/3); 
a[wy_] := Sqrt[h/(M*w[wy])];
wx[wy_] := wxx/w[wy]; (* Dimensionless x-frenquency*)
wz[wy_] := wzz/w[wy]; (* Dimensionless w-frenquency*)
add[wy_] := 131*a0/a[wy]; (* Dimensionless Dipolar length*)
as[wy_] := 70*a0/a[wy]; (* Dimensionless contact length*)
n = 10^4;
Kb = 1.38*10^(-23); (* Boltzmann constant *)

ddata1 = Table[minsol1 =FindMinimum[{ettot[x, y, z, 0, wy/w[wy]], 
x > 0 && y > 0 && z > 0}, {{x, 1.01}, {y, 1.012}, {z, 0.14}}, 
Method -> Automatic, PrecisionGoal -> Automatic, 
AccuracyGoal -> Automatic];
Re[{x, y, z, wy/(2 Pi) , minsol1[[1]]} /. Last[minsol1]], {wy, 
2 Pi*100, 2 Pi*250, 2 Pi*20}];

ddata2 = Table[minsol2 =FindMinimum[{ettot[x, y, z, d/x, wy/w[wy]], 
x > 0 && y > 0 && z > 0 && d > x}, {{x, 1.01}, {y, 1.012}, {z, 
0.14}, {d, 1.02}}, Method -> Automatic, 
PrecisionGoal -> Automatic, AccuracyGoal -> Automatic];
Re[{x, y, z, d, wy/(2 Pi) , minsol2[[1]]} /. Last[minsol2]], {wy, 
2 Pi*100, 2 Pi*250, 2 Pi*20}];

ListPlot[{ddata1[[All, {4, 5}]], ddata2[[All, {5, 6}]]}, 
Joined -> True, PlotRange -> {Automatic, Automatic}]

I get two pretty nice curves using this code. However, I expected the curves to match at fy = 250. Moreover, at fy < 200 it had to be negative. Could helpe me?

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Gabriel Medeiros
4 Replies

Use code

Idip[X_?NumberQ, Y_?NumberQ, u_?NumberQ] := 
  Exp[-u^2/2] - 
   3 X*Y/(1 - X^2)^(3/2) NIntegrate[
     v^2 Exp[-u^2/2 X^2 v^2/((1 - X^2) (1 - v^2))]/(Sqrt[
          1 - v^2] Sqrt[1 - v^2 (1 - Y^2)/(1 - X^2)]), {v, 0, 
      Sqrt[1 - X^2]}];

f[X_?NumberQ, Y_?NumberQ] := Idip[X, Y, 0];

Iqf[u_?NumberQ] := 
  2 Exp[-5 u^2/8]/Sqrt[Pi] NIntegrate[
    Exp[-l^2] Cosh[Sqrt[2/5] u*l]^(5/2), {l, 0, Infinity}];

ettot[x_, y_, z_, u_, 
   wy_] := (h*(wzz*wy*wzz)^(1/3))/(Kb*
      T) (1/4 (1/x^2 + 1/y^2 + 1/z^2) + 
     1/4 ((1 + u^2/2) wx^2 x^2 + wy^2 y^2 + 
        wz^2 z^2) + (as*n)/(2 Sqrt[2*Pi] x y z) (1 + 
        Exp[(-(u^2/2))]) + (add*
         n)/(2 Sqrt[2 Pi] x y z) (-f[x/z, y/z] - 
        Idip[x/z, y/z, 
         u]) + (512 Sqrt[(2/5)] (as^(5/2)) (n^(3/2)))/(75 Pi^(7/
            4) (x y z)^(3/2)) (1 + (3 add^2)/as^2) Iqf[u]);

a0 = 5.29*10^(-11);(*Bohr radius*)wxx = 2 Pi*70;
wzz = 2 Pi*1000;
w = (wzz*wy*wzz)^(1/3);
wx = wxx/w;
wz = wzz/w;
a = Sqrt[h/(M*w)];
h = 1.054*10^(-34);(*reduced Planck's constant*)M = 
 163.9 1.66 10^-27;(*Dy-164 mass*)add = 131*a0/a;
as = 70*a0/a;
edd = add/as;
n = 10^4;
T = 50*10^(-9);
Kb = 1.38*10^(-23);
d = 0;

ddata1 = Table[
   minsol1 = 
    NMinimize[{N[ettot[x, y, z, d/x, wy/w]], 
      x > 0 && y > 0 && z > 0}, {x, y, z}, Method -> Automatic, 
     PrecisionGoal -> 8, AccuracyGoal -> 8];
   Re[{x, y, z, wy/(2 Pi), minsol1[[1]]} /. Last[minsol1]], {wy, 
    2 Pi*100, 2 Pi*260, 2 Pi*20}];

ddata2 = Table[
   minsol2 = 
    FindMinimum[{ettot[x, y, z, d/x, wy/w] /. wy -> t, 
      x > 0 && y > 0 && z > 0}, {{x, 14}, {y, 5}, {z, 1}}, 
     Method -> Automatic, PrecisionGoal -> 8, AccuracyGoal -> 8];
   Re[{x, y, z, t/(2 Pi), minsol2[[1]]} /. Last[minsol2]], {t, 
    2 Pi*100, 2 Pi*260, 2 Pi*20}];

{ListPlot[{ddata1[[All, {4, 5}]]}, Joined -> True, 
  PlotRange -> {Automatic, Automatic}, PlotLabel -> "NMinimize"], 
 ListPlot[{ddata2[[All, {4, 5}]]}, Joined -> True, 
  PlotRange -> {Automatic, Automatic}, PlotLabel -> "FindMinimum"]}

Figure 1

Compare ddata1 and ddata2

 Max[Abs[ddata1[[All, 5]] - ddata2[[All, 5]]]]

(*Out[]= 6.10623*10^-16 *)

Thank you for your answer. I upgraded my question. Would you help me again?

POSTED BY: Gabriel Medeiros

You changed the code and changed the question. My answer now looks out of place. Which question should I answer?

Sorry for that. My question is up to date now. Sorry again.

POSTED BY: Gabriel Medeiros
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