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Nested For loop to plot multiple plots on a single graph

Posted 5 years ago

Please help me to plot these 8 graphs on the same figure by changing the values of eta and epsilon. I can plot it separately and use Show to draw it together, but I wanted to use loop to get the all cases on a single figure using hold on and hold off but it seems not to work.

    s = 2.6 10^4;
    d = 0.0026;
   \[Beta] = 3 10^(-7);
    \[Delta] = 0.5;
    c = 5;
    p = 100;
    \[Eta] = {0.00, 1.00};
    \[Epsilon] = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};
    eqn1 = {0, 0, 0, 0};
    (*Initial Conditions*)
    t0 = (c*\[Delta])/(p*\[Beta]); x0 = 2.0*  10^(6); v0 = 10^7;
    For[i = 1, j = 1; i < 3, j < 5; j++, i++; 
     eqn1[[i]] := {T'[t] == 
        s - d * T[t] - (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta] *T [t]*V[t], 
       x'[t] == (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta] *T[t]*V[t] - \[Delta] *x[t], 
       V'[t] == (1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p *x[t] - c *V[t], T[0] == t0, 
       x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0}; 
     soln11[[i]] = NDSolve[eqn1[[i]], {T, x, V}, {t, 0, 14}]; 
     p1 = LogPlot[
       Evaluate[{V[t]} /. First@soln11[[i]], {t, 0, 14}, 
        PlotRange -> {100, 10^8}, PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
        PlotStyle -> {Orange, Thick}]]
POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke
27 Replies

Thank you, Sir!! It works!!

POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke


Table[Which[i == 1 \[Or] i == 3 \[Or] i == 5, {Red, Thin}, 
  i == 2 \[Or] i == 4 \[Or] i == 6, {Green, Thin}, 
  True, {Blue, Thin}], {i, 8}]
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Dear Hans; I want to make the first, third and fifth line to be red; second , fourth , six lines to be green and the rest Blue. I used "Which" instead of "If," but it is not giving me the result. Can you please suggest a better way, as usual?

Kind regrards

p2 = Plot[Evaluate[Log10 /@ solv2], {t, 0, 14}, PlotRange -> {2.6, 8},
   Frame -> True, 
  FrameLabel -> {Days, "Simulated Decrease Log10 HCV"}, 
  PlotStyle -> Table[Which[{i == 1 \[Or] i == 3 \[Or] i == 5}, {Red, 
     Thin}, {i == 2 \[Or] i == 4 \[Or] i == 6}, {Green, Thin}, {Blue, 
     Thin}], {i, 8}]]
POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

Dear Hans Dolhaine, my version is 11 and it has a way of solving stochastic differential equations!! ItoProcess is also known as Ito diffusion or stochastic differential equation (SDE). ItoProcess is a continuous-time and continuous-state random process. If the drift a is an -dimensional vector and the diffusion b an × -dimensional matrix, the process is -dimensional and driven by an -dimensional WienerProcess.

An Ito process is a type of stochastic process described by Japanese mathematician Kiyoshi Itô, which can be written as the sum of the integral of a process over time and of another process over a Brownian motion.

My problem is I keep getting this error, "Thread::tdlen: Objects of unequal length in 1 cannot be combined." This message is generated when a threading operation is used with expressions that do not have the same length. I just am trying to find a way to run it.

But thank you for your help till now.

POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

Sorry, no, I cannot run your code. My Version (7.0 ) of Mathematica doesn't know many functions you use. What is an ItoProcess?

What do you want to do?

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Dear Hans Dolhaine and Rahul, I need one more favor as always!! I wanted to change the equation (eqn1a) as ItoProcess so that I can change the above equations by adding some stochastic terms. Then instead of NDSolve, I want to use Randomfunction and finally draw the ListLinePlot of solv2. But it seems something is wrong and I cannot get any results. Can you please run the code below and lead me in the right direction??? Thank you!!

s = 2.6 *10^4;
d = 0.0026;
\[Beta] = 3 *10^(-7);
\[Delta] = {0.5, 5};
c = 5;
p = {5, 100};
\[Epsilon] = {0.00, 0.00};
\[Eta] = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};

\[Eta]a = {0.00, 1.00};
\[Epsilon]a = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};
(*Initial Conditions*)
t01 = 2.4*10^6;
v01 = 4.0*10^5;
t0 = {(c*\[Delta][[2]])/(p[[2]]*\[Beta]), (c*\[Delta][[1]])/(p[[
x0 = 2.0*10^(6); v0 = 4.0*10^7;
(* SDES for p=100, delta=0.5 for fig A*)
Subscript[\[Sigma], 1] = 0.07; Subscript[\[Sigma], 2] = 0.5; \
Subscript[\[Sigma], 3] = 3;

s2 = s/d; R2 = 0; p2 = 0;

eqn1a[i_, j_] := 
      t] == (s - 
        d*T[t] - (1 - \[Eta]a[[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*
         V[t]) \[DifferentialD]t + 
      1] (x[t] - s2) \[DifferentialD]w1[t], \[DifferentialD]x[
      t] == ((1 - \[Eta]a[[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t] - \[Delta][[1]]*
         x[t]) \[DifferentialD]t + 
      2] (y[t] - R2) \[DifferentialD]w2[t], \[DifferentialD]V[
      t] == ((1 - \[Epsilon]a[[j]])*p[[2]]*x[t] - 
        c*V[t]) \[DifferentialD]t + 
     Subscript[\[Sigma], 3] (z[t] - p2) \[DifferentialD]w3[t]}, {x[t],
    y[t], z[t]}, {{x, y, z}, {t0[[2]], x0, v0}}, 
  t, {w1 \[Distributed] WienerProcess[], 
   w2 \[Distributed] WienerProcess[] , 
   w3 \[Distributed] WienerProcess[]}]

soln11[eq_] := 
  RandomFunction[eq, {T, x, V}, {t, 0., 14., 0.0001}, 
   Method -> "Milstein"];
tt2 = Flatten[Table[eqn1a[i, j], {i, 2}, {j, 4}], 1];
sol2 = Flatten[soln11 /@ tt2];
solv2 = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[sol2, MemberQ[#, V] &];

p2 = ListLinePlot[Evaluate[solv2], PlotRange -> All, Frame -> True, 
  FrameLabel -> {Days, "Simulated Decrease Log10 HCV"}, 
  PlotStyle -> Table[If[i <= 4, {Red, Thin}, {Blue, Dashed}], {i, 8}]]
POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

Dear Hans Dolhaine Thank you again for being an awesome mentor. You are helping me so much!! It worked!!

Kind regards

POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

Dear Abiy,

if I understand you correctly you want a single plot-command.

Try a replacement of your p2 in the above code by (note that I dropped the ; at the end)

p2 = Plot[Evaluate[Log10 /@ solv2], {t, 0, 14}, PlotRange -> {2.6, 8},
   Frame -> True, 
  FrameLabel -> {Days, "Simulated Decrease Log10 HCV"}, 
  PlotStyle -> Table[If[i <= 4, {Red, Thin}, {Blue, Dashed}], {i, 8}]]

and delete p3 and Show[...]

(We had this already far above with p1 but as LogPlot and differring thicknesses and dashing-style)

solv2 contains all the information for your plot (8 functions). You don't need to pick the first four, plot them, then pick the last four, plot them and unite the plots with Show.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Dear Hans Dolhaine, you are right that I needed it at the beginning not to repeat the same code for different plots( dashed(p2) and thick(p3)) using an if loop(which can easily be applied on Matlab). But the if loop were not able to give me the plot I want(had the if loop were working p2 would have been enough to plot all and p3 was not needed). Thus I finally decided to ignore the join as Rohit suggested and plot thick and dashed lines on different codes as below. I honestly thank both of you for being a big help in my Mathematica coding. If possible, help me to keep p2 and p3 in a single code (i=1(j=1:4)thick lines and i=2(j=1:4) dashed lines) using if loop than being redundant and not to use the Show function. Here is the code for both to see and if possible improve. Kind regards. (Thank you again!!)

s = 2.6*10^4;
d = 0.0026;
\[Beta] = 3 *10^(-7);
\[Delta] = {0.5, 5};
c = 5;
p = {5, 100};

\[Epsilon] = {0.00, 0.00};
\[Eta] = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};

\[Eta]a = {0.00, 1.00};
\[Epsilon]a = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};
(*Initial Conditions*)
t0 = {(c*\[Delta][[2]])/(p[[2]]*\[Beta]), (c*\[Delta][[1]])/(p[[
x0 = 2.0*10^(6); v0 = 4.0*10^7;
(* SDES for p=100, delta=0.5 for fig A*)
  j_] := {T'[t] == s - d*T[t] - (1 - \[Eta]a[[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t], 
  x'[t] == (1 - \[Eta]a[[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t] - \[Delta][[1]]*x[t], 
  V'[t] == (1 - \[Epsilon]a[[j]])*p[[2]]*x[t] - c*V[t], 
  T[0] == t0[[2]], x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0}

 soln11[eq_] := NDSolve[eq, {T, x, V}, {t, 0, 14}]

(* Solving the SDES *) 
tt2 = Flatten[Table[eqn1a[i, j], {i, 2}, {j, 4}], 1];
sol2 = Flatten[soln11 /@ tt2];
solv2 = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[sol2, MemberQ[#, V] &];

p2 = Plot[Evaluate[Log10@Take[solv2, 4]], {t, 0, 14}, 
   PlotRange -> {2.6, 8}, Frame -> True, 
   FrameLabel -> {Days , "Simulated Decrease Log10 HCV"},
   PlotStyle -> Table[If[i <= 4, {Red, Thin}, {Blue, "--"}], {i, 8}]];
(*Plot B eta=0 *)
p3 = Plot[Evaluate[Log10@Take[solv2, -4]], {t, 0, 14}, 
   PlotRange -> {2.6, 8}, Frame -> True, 
   FrameLabel -> {Days , "Simulated Decrease Log10 HCV"}, 
   PlotStyle -> Table[If[i <= 4, {Blue, Dashed}], {i, 8}]];
(* Draw together*)
p41 = Show[p2, p3]
POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

@Rohit: I introduced

Join[Take[solv, 4], {1, 1, 1, 1}]

in a post far above to have easy acces to the "dashed lines" by then using (see p3 far above)

Join[{1,1,1,1},Take[solv, - 4]]

avoiding to have to change (which of course could be done as well)

PlotStyle -> Table[If[ i <= 4, {Red, Thickness[.01]}, {Blue, Thickness[.008], Dashed}], {i, 8}]]

and knowing that Log[1] == 0 will coincide with the x-axis and not disturb the plot.

Abyi wanted to have thick and dashed lines.

It seems that this is not necessary later on.

@Abiy : By the way, you said

I would like to plot V and VNI together as V+VNI

Look at your equations and initial values (with the input in the code above):

In[40]:= eee = Flatten[Table[eqn1g[i, j], {i, 2}, {j, 2}]];
Select[eee, MemberQ[#, VNI'[t]] &]
Select[eee, MemberQ[#, VNI[0]] &]

Out[41]= {
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox["VNI", "\[Prime]",
MultilineFunction->None]\)[t] == -6 VNI[t], 
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox["VNI", "\[Prime]",
MultilineFunction->None]\)[t] == -6 VNI[t], 
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox["VNI", "\[Prime]",
MultilineFunction->None]\)[t] == -6 VNI[t] + 0.116 x[t], 
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox["VNI", "\[Prime]",
MultilineFunction->None]\)[t] == -6 VNI[t] + 1.45 x[t]}

Out[42]= {VNI[0] == 0, VNI[0] == 0, VNI[0] == 0, VNI[0] == 0}

The first two VNI can be integrated immediately giving

VNI[t_] := VNI[0] Exp[- 6 t]

and with

VNI[0] == 0

this is always zero (check it with the results of NDSolve).

A similar direct integration is possible for the last two V's

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

I appreciate the help. Sure joining is not important !!

POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke
Posted 5 years ago

Hi Abiy,

What is the reason for joining {1, 1, 1, 1} to the list of plots? It is just going to plot a straight line at y = 1. Is this what you are looking for?

p3 = Plot[Evaluate[Log@Take[Solv1 + Solv2, 4]], {t, 0, 14},
  PlotRange -> Log@{100, 10^7},
  PlotPoints -> 200,
  Frame -> True,
  FrameLabel -> {"Time", "copies "}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

Dear Rohit Namjoshi, thank you, this is what I wanted. However, I have one more question, as you can see below I have been using LogPlot and the y-axis keeps giving me logarithmic values but what I need is to plot the Log of the function on a linear y scale, as your first suggestion, I tried to improve the code but keeps giving me a wrong result. So will you help in changing the codes below to plot the Log of the function instead of using Logplot.

s = 2.6 10^4;
d = 0.0026;
\[Beta] = 2.25 10^(-7);
\[Delta] = 1;
c = 6;
p = 2.9;
\[Epsilon] = {0.96, 0.5};
\[Rho] = {0, 1};
v0 = 10^7;
x0 = 2. 10^6;
T = 273;
eqn1g[i_, j_] := {x'[t] == \[Beta]*T*V[t] - \[Delta]*x[t], 
   V'[t] == (1 - \[Rho][[i]]) (1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p*x[t] - c*V[t], 
   VNI'[t] == \[Rho][[i]]*(1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p*x[t] - c*VNI[t], 
   x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0, VNI[0] == 0};

soln112[eq_] := NDSolve[eq, {x, V, VNI}, {t, 0, 14}];

tableway1 = Flatten[Table[eqn1g[i, j], {i, 2}, {j, 2}], 1];
Solsn1 = Flatten[soln112 /@ tableway1];

Solv1 = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[Solsn1, MemberQ[#, V] &];
Solv2 = (VNI /. #)[t] & /@ Select[Solsn1, MemberQ[#, VNI] &];
p3 = LogPlot[
  Evaluate[Join[Take[Solv1 + Solv2, 4], {1, 1, 1, 1}]], {t, 0, 14}, 
  PlotRange -> {100, 10^7}, PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
  FrameLabel -> {"Time", "copies "}]
POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke
Posted 5 years ago

Hi Abiy,

In a LogPlot the y axis is always logarithmic. You could plot the Log of the function on a linear y scale. e.g.

Plot[Evaluate[Log@{x[t], y[t], z[t]} /. First@soln11], {t, 0, 10}, 
 Frame -> True, PlotLegends -> {"x", "y", "z"}]

enter image description here

Or a linear plot with a specific range / ticks

Plot[Evaluate[{x[t], y[t], z[t]} /. First@soln11], {t, 0, 10},
 PlotRange -> {0, 1.6},
 Frame -> True,
 FrameTicks -> {{Range[0, 1.6, .2], None}, {Automatic, None}},
 PlotLegends -> {"x", "y", "z"}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

I want to have the y-axis ticks at {0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1, 1.2,1.4, 1.6} instead of in {0,10^(-4), 0.001, 0.01, 0.1,1}. Please see the plot of the code below and help me in improving it by plotting the y-axis in step size of 0.2. Both Ticks and Frame Ticks were not able to help me.

 k = 6.7 *10^-8; c = 
         2*10^6; \[Alpha] = 1.34; \[Lambda] = 3.3; \[Mu] = 2; X = 10^6;
        r = 0.17*10^6;
        S = 0.83 *10^6;
        P = 10^7;
        a = \[Alpha]/(k*c);
         l = \[Lambda]/(k*c);
        m = \[Mu]/(k*c);
        s1 = S/c; R1 = r/c; p1 = P/c;
        b = 15;
    (*Initial Conditions*)

    x0 = 0.3; y0 = 0.2; z0 = 5;

    (*Differential Equations*)

    rhs1[x_, y_, z_] := x (a (1 - (x + y)) - z);
    rhs2[x_, y_, z_] := -l y + x z;
    rhs3[x_, y_, z_] := -z x + b l y - m z;

   detstab := {x'[t] == rhs1[x[t], y[t], z[t]], 
       y'[t] == rhs2[x[t], y[t], z[t]], z'[t] == rhs3[x[t], y[t], z[t]], 
       x[0] == x0, y[0] == y0, z[0] == z0};
    soln11 = NDSolve[detstab, {x, y, z}, {t, 0, 10}];
    LogPlot[Evaluate[{x[t], y[t], z[t]} /. First@soln11], {t, 0, 10}, 
     PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, {0, 1.2}}, 
     Ticks -> {Table[i + 2, {i, 0, 10}], Table[i + 0.2, {i, 0, 1}]}, 
     Frame -> True]
POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

Sure correcting the typo error solved everything. Thank you for you quick and unreserved help. U are helping me get better with Mathematica everyday. Big respect SIR!!

POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

Good evening Abiy,

You have a typo in your code:

Solsn1 = Flatten[soln112 /@ tableway];

there you should refer to


as defined further above. Moreover you have to define values for v0, x0 and T. I guess T means Temperature and I assigned a value of 273.

With these modifications I arrive at a code which gives a plot. Is it this what you meant?

s = 2.6 10^4;
d = 0.0026;
\[Beta] = 2.25 10^(-7);
\[Delta] = 1;
c = 6;
p = 2.9;
\[Epsilon] = {0.96, 0.5};
\[Rho] = {0, 1};
v0 = 10^7;
x0 = 2. 10^6;
T = 273;
eqn1g[i_, j_] := {x'[t] == \[Beta]*T*V[t] - \[Delta]*x[t], 
   V'[t] == (1 - \[Rho][[i]]) (1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p*x[t] - c*V[t], 
   VNI'[t] == \[Rho][[i]]*(1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p*x[t] - c*VNI[t], 
   x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0, VNI[0] == 0};

soln112[eq_] := NDSolve[eq, {x, V, VNI}, {t, 0, 14}];

tableway1 = Flatten[Table[eqn1g[i, j], {i, 2}, {j, 2}], 1];
Solsn1 = Flatten[soln112 /@ tableway1];

Solv1 = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[Solsn1, MemberQ[#, V] &];
Solv2 = (VNI /. #)[t] & /@ Select[Solsn1, MemberQ[#, VNI] &];
p3 = LogPlot[
  Evaluate[Join[Take[Solv1 + Solv2, 4], {1, 1, 1, 1}]], {t, 0, 14}, 
  PlotRange -> {100, 10^7}, PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
  FrameLabel -> {"Time", "copies "}]
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

I would like to plot V and VNI together as V+VNI and the code below is not helping. Mr. Hans Dolhaine, May I get the usual help please?

  s = 2.6 10^4;
      d = 0.0026;
      \[Beta] = 2.25 10^(-7);
      \[Delta] = 1;
      c = 6;
      p = 2.9;  
    \[Epsilon] = {0.96, 0.5};
        \[Rho] = {0, 1};
        eqn1g[i_, j_] := {x'[t] == \[Beta] *T*V[t] - \[Delta] *x[t], 
           V'[t] == (1 - \[Rho][[i]]) (1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p *x[t] - 
             c *V[t], 
           VNI'[t] == \[Rho][[i]]*(1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p *x[t] - c *VNI[t], 
           x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0, VNI[0] == 0};

        soln112[eq_] := NDSolve[eq, {x, V, VNI}, {t, 0, 14}];
        tableway1 = Flatten[Table[eqn1g[i, j], {i, 2}, {j, 2}], 1];
        Solsn1 = Flatten[soln112 /@ tableway];
        Solv1 = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[Solsn1, MemberQ[#, V] &];
        Solv2 = (VNI /. #)[t] & /@ Select[Solsn1, MemberQ[#, VNI] &];
        p3 = LogPlot[
          Evaluate[Join[Take[Solv1 + Solv2, 4], {1, 1, 1, 1}]], {t, 0, 14}, 
          PlotRange -> {100, 10^7}, PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
          FrameLabel -> {"Time" , "copies "}]
POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

In fact, I am afraid that I don't understand you. What do you mean? And what do you say considering (in my code)

p1 = LogPlot[solv, {t, 0, 14}, PlotRange -> {100, 10^7}, 
  PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
  PlotStyle -> Table[If[ i <= 4, {Red, Thickness[.01]}, {Blue, Thickness[.008], Dashed}], {i, 8}]]

You might as well want to look at

first four functions:

p2 = LogPlot[Evaluate[Join[Take[solv, 4], {1, 1, 1, 1}]], {t, 0, 14},
PlotRange -> {100, 10^7}, PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
PlotStyle -> Table[If[ i <= 4, {Red, Thickness[.01]}, {Blue, Thickness[.005],  Dashed}], {i, 8}]]

last four functions

p3 = LogPlot[Evaluate[Join[{1, 1, 1, 1}, Take[solv, -4]]], {t, 0, 14},
   PlotRange -> {100, 10^7}, PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
  PlotStyle -> Table[If[ i <= 4, {Red, Thickness[.01]}, {Blue, Thickness[.008],  Dashed}], {i, 8}]]
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Yes Sir you understood me well, but the above code makes all 8 plots dashed, no thick line (just changed the thick lines of the first code by dashed, I want it to be mixed: first four thick and the rest Dashed).

POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

Do you mean this? (Note that the first four functions are for eta = 0 )

s = 2.6 10^4;(*cells per ml per day)*)d = 0.0026;(*day^(-1)*)\[Beta] =
  3 10^(-7);(*(Virion per mililiter)^(-1)*)\[Delta] = \
0.5;(*day^(-1)*)c = 5;(*day^(-1)*)p = 100;(*virions per ml per cell \
per day*)\[Eta] = {0.00, 1.00};
\[Epsilon] = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};
(*Initial Conditions*)
t0 = (c*\[Delta])/(p*\[Beta]); x0 = 2.0*10^(6); v0 = 10^7;

  j_] := {T'[t] == s - d*T[t] - (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t], 
  x'[t] == (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t] - \[Delta]*x[t], 
  V'[t] == (1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p*x[t] - c*V[t], T[0] == t0, 
  x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0}

soln11[eq_] := NDSolve[eq, {T, x, V}, {t, 0, 14}]

tt = Flatten[Table[eqn1a[i, j], {i, 2}, {j, 4}], 1];
sol = Flatten[soln11 /@ tt];
solv = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[sol, MemberQ[#, V] &];

p1 = LogPlot[solv, {t, 0, 14}, PlotRange -> {100, 10^7}, 
  PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
  PlotStyle -> Table[If[i <= 4, Thick, Dashed], {i, 8}]]
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

I want to have a dashed lines for eta=1 and thick for eta=0 like on the code below. But without the for loop, it becomes redundant. So Can you please suggest a better way?

  s = 2.6 10^4;
d = 0.0026;
\[Beta] =3 *10^(-7);\[Delta] = \
        0.5;c = 5;p = 100;\[Eta] = {0.00, 1.00};
        \[Epsilon] = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};
        (*Initial Conditions*)
        t0 = (c*\[Delta])/(p*\[Beta]); x0 = 2.0*10^(6); v0 = 10^7;

          j_] := {T'[t] == s - d*T[t] - (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t], 
          x'[t] == (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t] - \[Delta]*x[t], 
          V'[t] == (1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p*x[t] - c*V[t], T[0] == t0, 
          x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0}

        soln11[eq_] := NDSolve[eq, {T, x, V}, {t, 0, 14}]

        tt1 = Flatten[Table[eqn1a[i, j], {i, 1}, {j, 4}], 1];
        sol1 = Flatten[soln11 /@ tt1];
        solv1 = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[sol1, MemberQ[#, V] &];

        pfig1 = LogPlot[solv1, {t, 0, 14}, PlotRange -> {3*100, 2*10^7}, 
           PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, PlotStyle -> {Orange, Thick}];
        soln12[eq_] := NDSolve[eq, {T, x, V}, {t, 0, 14}]

        tt2 = Flatten[Table[eqn1a[i, j], {i = 2}, {j, 4}], 1];
        sol2 = Flatten[soln12 /@ tt2];
        solv2 = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[sol2, MemberQ[#, V] &];

        pfig2 = LogPlot[solv2, {t, 0, 14}, PlotRange -> {3*100, 2*10^7}, 
           PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Dashed}];
        Show[pfig1, pfig2]
POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

"In WL the role of ; and , is reversed relative to languages like C."

OK, but

For[i = 1; j = 1, i < 3, j++; i++, Print[" i ", i];
  Print[" j ", j]];

 i 1    
 j 1    
 i 2    
 j 2

Obviously you miss the pairs i = 1, j = 2 and so on, and j never reaches 4. But I think Abiy wanted all combinations of i and j. Seems this construct isn't appropriate for what he intended.

Look at

For[i = 1; j = 1, i < 3; j < 5, j++; i++, Print[{i, j}]];





which is obviously equivalent to

For[i = 1; j = 1, Or[i < 3, j < 5], j++; i++, Print[{i, j}]];





then, and this is according to what is said in the Help-Section : The sequence of evaluation is test, body, incr .

So i and j are set to 1, the test gives True , and i AND j are incremented and so on, until the test yields False. Try setting j to 3 and substitute j<5 with j < 10 for example.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 5 years ago

Hi Hans

I do not understand why the i-loop starts with 2 and j doesn't reach 4.

In WL the role of ; and , is reversed relative to languages like C.

For[i = 1; j = 1, i < 3, j++; i++,
  Print[" i ", i];
  Print[" j ", j]];

As you suggested, Table is a much better option that For.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

Thank you Sir!! It seems working.

POSTED BY: Abiy Zeleke

For reasons unknown to me the above code didn't work. I do not understand why the i-loop starts with 2 and j doesn't reach 4:

For[i = 1, j = 1; i < 3, j < 5; j++, i++;
  Print[" i ", i];
  Print[" j ", j]

Here it does

For[i = 1, i < 3, i++,
 For[j = 1, j < 5, j++,
  Print[" i ", i];
  Print[" j ", j]

But what about this (without For...)?

s = 2.6 10^4;(*cells per ml per day)*)
d = 0.0026;(*day^(-1)*)
\[Beta] =  3 10^(-7);(*(Virion per mililiter)^(-1)*)
\[Delta] =0.5;(*day^(-1)*)
c = 5;(*day^(-1)*)
p = 100;(*virions per ml per cell per day*)
\[Eta] = {0.00, 1.00};
\[Epsilon] = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};
       (*Initial Conditions*)
t0 = (c*\[Delta])/(p*\[Beta]); x0 = 2.0*10^(6); v0 = 10^7;

eqn1a[i_,  j_] := {T'[t] == s - d*T[t] - (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t], 
  x'[t] == (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta]*T[t]*V[t] - \[Delta]*x[t], 
  V'[t] == (1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p*x[t] - c*V[t], T[0] == t0, 
  x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0}

soln11[eq_] := NDSolve[eq, {T, x, V}, {t, 0, 14}]

tt = Flatten[Table[eqn1a[i, j], {i, 2}, {j, 4}], 1];
sol = Flatten[soln11 /@ tt];
solv = (V /. #)[t] & /@ Select[sol, MemberQ[#, V] &];

LogPlot[solv, {t, 0, 14}, PlotRange -> {100, 10^8}, PlotPoints -> 200,
  Frame -> True, PlotStyle -> {Orange, Thick}]


solx = (x /. #)[t] & /@ Select[sol, MemberQ[#, x] &];    
solT = (T /. #)[t] & /@ Select[sol, MemberQ[#, T] &];
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 5 years ago
s = 2.6 10^4;(*cells per ml per day)*)
d = 0.0026;(*day^(-1)*)
\[Beta] = 3 10^(-7);(*(Virion per mililiter)^(-1)*)
\[Delta] = 0.5;(*day^(-1)*)
c = 5;(*day^(-1)*)
p = 100;(*virions per ml per cell per day*)
\[Eta] = {0.00, 1.00};
\[Epsilon] = {0.80, 0.95, 0.99, 1};
eqn1 = {0, 0, 0, 0};
(*Initial Conditions*)
t0 = (c*\[Delta])/(p*\[Beta]); x0 = 2.0*  10^(6); v0 = 10^7;
For[i = 1, j = 1; i < 3, j < 5; j++, i++; 
 eqn1[[i]] := {T'[t] == 
    s - d * T[t] - (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta] *T [t]*V[t], 
   x'[t] == (1 - \[Eta][[i]])*\[Beta] *T[t]*V[t] - \[Delta] *x[t], 
   V'[t] == (1 - \[Epsilon][[j]])*p *x[t] - c *V[t], T[0] == t0, 
   x[0] == x0, V[0] == v0}; 
 soln11[[i]] = NDSolve[eqn1[[i]], {T, x, V}, {t, 0, 14}]; 
 p1 = LogPlot[
   Evaluate[{V[t]} /. First@soln11[[i]], {t, 0, 14}, 
    PlotRange -> {100, 10^8}, PlotPoints -> 200, Frame -> True, 
    PlotStyle -> {Orange, Thick}]]
POSTED BY: Updating Name
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