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Add circle points with a different radius on a map?

Posted 5 years ago


I could only add the coordinates (lat,lon) on the mercator map. How do I add the cost values on the mercator or ReliefImage of Algeria country?

lat = {36.374698638916`, 35.4379997253418`, 35.4379`, 36.6869`, 
   36.999`, 35.7501`, 36.6869`, 34.8134994506836`, 36.0624`, 36.6869`,
    35.1257019042969`, 36.3746`, 36.3746`, 34.8134994506836`, 
   33.5646018981934`, 36.999`, 33.2523994445801`, 32.6278991699219`, 
   36.3746`, 36.6869`, 35.4379`, 33.8768005371094`, 35.4379997253418`,
    36.374698638916`, 36.3746`, 36.0624`, 35.7501983642578`, 
   33.2523994445801`, 35.7501`, 32.0035018920898`, 35.7309`, 
   35.7501983642578`, 34.8134994506836`, 36.0624`, 35.1257019042969`, 
   36.999`, 36.3746`, 35.4379`, 35.1257`, 35.4379997253418`, 36.6869`,
    35.4379997253418`, 36.6869`, 33.2523994445801`};

lon = {1.875`, 2.5`, -0.9375`, 3.125`, 7.8125`, 6.25`, 5.`, 5.625`, 
   4.6875`, 3.4375`, 4.0625`, 0.9375`, 6.5625`, 3.125`, 0.9375`, 
   8.125`, 6.875`, 3.75`, 7.5`, 5.625`, 7.1875`, 2.8125`, 0.3125`, 
   2.8125`, 6.25`, 0.`, 4.6875`, -0.3125`, -0.3125`, 5.625`, 7.3693`, 
   0.625`, 0.3125`, 5.3125`, -0.625`, 6.875`, 7.8125`, 
   7.8125`, -1.875`, 1.25`, 2.5`, 1.5625`, 3.75`, 5.9375`};

Cost = {54.68183772627352`, 25.296814871541176`, 35.12083294481471`, 
   45.70825674828529`, 61.818237776232344`, 35.42446726505295`, 
   74.92377718887353`, 13.642979303920589`, 56.67893120235882`, 
   49.658917258755885`, 39.29168746139118`, 55.67986309064118`, 
   65.18689721428235`, 35.985996669150005`, 30.229585570791176`, 
   71.84962567448824`, 7.240818105820588`, 6.416816059402942`, 
   86.21345113930589`, 81.36879486894705`, 39.39921561397941`, 
   14.36977644002647`, 39.499343081488234`, 63.160325345011756`, 
   61.84539697793823`, 47.91312749254412`, 22.548852212611763`, 
   25.17007391632941`, 39.69543622810588`, 3.999398639179412`, 
   37.646560668149995`, 36.51949106041765`, 57.915802520779415`, 
   88.53428844405882`, 39.93599994434118`, 61.96752493132058`, 
   71.94165348809118`, 39.28684887521471`, 29.742199886099996`, 
   47.86331884992353`, 42.63178438155882`, 53.17769177839412`, 
   64.59075504109413`, 6.882828241111764`};

toMercator[{lat_, lng_}] := {lng, 
   Log[Abs[Sec[lat*Degree] + Tan[lat*Degree]]]/Degree};
mercPoints = toMercator /@ latLngs;
Show[CountryData["Algeria", {"Shape", "Mercator"}], Frame -> True, 
 Epilog -> {PointSize[0.02], Red, Point[mercPoints]}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Alex Teymouri
6 Replies

One way could be to insert the cost as tooltips:

  Entity["Country", "Algeria"]["Polygon"],
  Red, PointSize[Large],
  Map[Tooltip[Point[GeoPosition[Most[#]]], Last[#]] &,
   Transpose[{lat, lon, Cost}]]},
 GeoBackground -> None, GeoGridLines -> Automatic]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 5 years ago

Hi Alex,

Unfortunately GeoGraphics does not support Callout, but a GeoGraphics and ListPlot can be combined using Show. e.g.

data = {First@GeoGridPosition[GeoPosition[Transpose[{lat, lon}]], "Mercator"], Cost};

   Entity["Country", "Algeria"]["Polygon"]},
  GeoGridLines -> Automatic,
  GeoProjection -> "Mercator",
  GeoBackground -> "ReliefMap"],
   Callout[#1, Style[#2, Bold], 
     "CalloutStyle" -> Directive[Thick, Red]] &, data],
  PlotRange -> All,
  Axes -> None,
  ImageSize -> 1000,
  PlotStyle -> {PointSize[.008], Red}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 5 years ago

Hey Alex,

Another option

GeoBubbleChart[Thread[GeoPosition /@ Transpose[{lat, lon}] -> Cost],
 GeoGridLines -> Automatic,
 GeoProjection -> "Mercator",
 GeoBackground -> "ReliefMap",
 ChartStyle -> Orange,
 ImageSize -> 1000]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you very much Gianluca.

POSTED BY: Alex Teymouri
Posted 5 years ago

Hi Prof.Namjoshi,

That's great. Thank you so much. Is it possible to have a legend or add the cost values inside the circles?

POSTED BY: Alex Teymouri
Posted 5 years ago

Hi Rohit,

How do I add a legend like the attached figure?enter image description here

POSTED BY: Alex Teymouri
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