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Generate a network for the entropy values

Posted 4 years ago

Dear all,

I calculated the entropy values for the time series of 44 cities. Is it possible to define a simple or complex network for these values? I attached a related reference for getting more information.

shannonEntropy[data_, binWidth_] := 
 Module[{iter, n = Length[data], pi, pi1},
  iter = {Min[data], Max[data] + binWidth, binWidth};
  pi = N[BinCounts[data, iter]/n];
  pi1 = DeleteCases[pi, 0.];

entr = {1.21`, 0.55`, 0.84`, 1.06`, 1.33`, 0.82`, 1.51`, 0.27`, 1.21`,
    1.14`, 0.92`, 1.23`, 1.37`, 0.82`, 0.69`, 1.46`, 0.1`, 0.09`, 
   1.63`, 1.58`, 0.89`, 0.21`, 0.93`, 1.33`, 1.31`, 1.09`, 0.46`, 
   0.54`, 0.94`, 0.04`, 0.88`, 0.87`, 1.24`, 1.62`, 0.96`, 1.35`, 
   1.43`, 0.9`, 0.72`, 1.07`, 1.02`, 1.16`, 1.38`, 0.07`};

lat = {36.37`, 35.44`, 35.44`, 36.69`, 37.`, 35.75`, 36.69`, 34.81`, 
   36.06`, 36.69`, 35.13`, 36.37`, 36.37`, 34.81`, 33.56`, 37.`, 
   33.25`, 32.63`, 36.37`, 36.69`, 35.44`, 33.88`, 35.44`, 36.37`, 
   36.37`, 36.06`, 35.75`, 33.25`, 35.75`, 32.`, 35.73`, 35.75`, 
   34.81`, 36.06`, 35.13`, 37.`, 36.37`, 35.44`, 35.13`, 35.44`, 
   36.69`, 35.44`, 36.69`, 33.25`};

lon = {1.875`, 2.5`, -0.9375`, 3.125`, 7.8125`, 6.25`, 5.`, 5.625`, 
   4.6875`, 3.4375`, 4.0625`, 0.9375`, 6.5625`, 3.125`, 0.9375`, 
   8.125`, 6.875`, 3.75`, 7.5`, 5.625`, 7.1875`, 2.8125`, 0.3125`, 
   2.8125`, 6.25`, 0.`, 4.6875`, -0.3125`, -0.3125`, 5.625`, 7.3693`, 
   0.625`, 0.3125`, 5.3125`, -0.625`, 6.875`, 7.8125`, 
   7.8125`, -1.875`, 1.25`, 2.5`, 1.5625`, 3.75`, 5.9375`};
POSTED BY: Alex Teymouri
13 Replies
POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Henrik you did an incredible job. Congratulations!

Is there any concept behind the this network.? What does this network give us from the mathematical or application view?

POSTED BY: M.A. Ghorbani

Thank you Mohammad - but there is definitely no reason for any congratulations! I simply tried to follow the idea/concept in the above attached publication.

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Dear Henrik,

I plotted for different orders and got interesting results. Thank you.

POSTED BY: M.A. Ghorbani
Posted 4 years ago

Hi Henrik,

I found another paper. I thought it may be interesting to you, especially Fig3 and Fig4. Is it possible to investigate this approach to your city air temperature time series (for example).

Thanks, Alex

POSTED BY: Alex Teymouri

Hi Alex, thank you for this publication! I will try to find time looking into it. Regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner
Posted 4 years ago

Hi Henrik,

Did you have time to take a look at the paper that I sent you a few days ago? I got Oberpfaffenhofen Airport air temperature time series, may be it be useful for the method.

Oberpfaffenhofen Airport
ICAO code | EDMO

tt0 = WeatherData["EDMO", "MeanTemperature", {{2000}, {2018}, "Day"}];

temp0 = Last[tt0\[Transpose]];


POSTED BY: Alex Teymouri

Hello Alex. sorry for the delay!

I finally found some time to look into this problem. But as a word of caution: I am not sure whether I am understanding the respective publication correctly, and I do not have any experiences with graphs !!!

Here is what I tried:

(* function for calculating the edge weight between two vertices v1,v2: *)
getEdgeWeight[v1_List, v2_List] := Module[{trans1, trans2},
  If[v1 == v2, Return[{Null, 0}]];
  {trans1, trans2} = Partition[#, 2, 1] & /@ {v1, v2};
  {UndirectedEdge[v1, v2], Total[Count[trans1, #] & /@ trans2]}

tt0 = WeatherData[Entity["City", {"Munich", "Bavaria", "Germany"}], 
   "MeanTemperature", {{2008}, {2018}, "Day"}];
temperatures = First@Normal@tt0["ValueList"];
temperatNums = Round@QuantityMagnitude[temperatures];
lenght = tt0["PathLength"];
vertexNameLength = Round[N@Sqrt[lenght]]; (* according to Ferreira et al *)
vertexList = Partition[temperatNums, vertexNameLength];
combs = Select[Flatten[Outer[getEdgeWeight, vertexList, vertexList, 1], 1], Last[#] != 0 &];
{conns, weigth} = Transpose[combs];
gr = Graph[conns, EdgeWeight -> weigth, ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

The resulting graph is highly connected, but the connections/edges are weighted; Mathematica can easily disentangle this:

CommunityGraphPlot[gr, ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

One still has to convince oneself of the fact that this has something to do with the periodicity of the data. So I plot the data with a colored background according to the graph communities:

grcomms = FindGraphCommunities[gr];
indx = Flatten /@ Map[Position[vertexList, #] &, grcomms, {2}];
colr = {Red, Yellow, Magenta};
prolog = MapIndexed[{colr[[First[#2]]], Rectangle[{1 + (#1 - 1) vertexNameLength, -14}, {#1 vertexNameLength, 30}]} &, indx, {2}];
ListLinePlot[temperatNums, Prolog -> prolog, ImageSize -> Large]

enter image description here

Does that help? In any case: You should check carefully what I did! Regards -- Henrik

<strong>enter image description here

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner
Posted 4 years ago

Thank you so much, Henrik. Good job!

I tried to run the code again and got a different kind of graphs (I use Mathematica 11.3).

Where am I wrong?

POSTED BY: Alex Teymouri

Hi Alex,

Yes, strange, on Mathematica 11.3 I get the same results/graphs as in your notebook. For the above Mathematica 12.0 was used - maybe some algorithm for calculating graph communities has changed (i.e. improved).

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Hi Henrik,

Please take a look at the attached manuscript. Studying periodicity using the complex network is a novel approach in water engineering, so I decided to apply this concept for 44 rain stations in the northern region of Algeria.If you remember, you have extracted a graph for one of the stations about two months ago (Figure 6). I need your help in providing graphs for all stations. We will write the section related to complex network and also the results and other details. May I send you data from all the stations?

It's my pleasure and honor to work with you.

Regards, Mohammad

POSTED BY: M.A. Ghorbani

Dear Prof. Ghorbani,

oops - I nearly missed that post, sorry! I will try to contact you via

Regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Dear Henrik,

I hope your Christmas is filled with joy this year!

I applied your program for the hourly river water temperature time series of the Skokomish river in the USA. If possible, please have a look at the notebook and let me know the output is correct or not?

Have a nice weekend

POSTED BY: M.A. Ghorbani
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