I have a complicated function called potential[x, y, z]. If I evaluate it at any specific point, it gives a numerical answer. The explicit formula used depends on the location of {x, y, z}.
In[56]:= potential[3.5, 5.4, 0]
Out[56]= 16.3617
If I use it to make a density plot, the plot is executed correctly.
But if I use it in ContourPlot3D, execution immediately fails. ContourPlot3D is apparently trying to take Rest[{}].
potential[x, y, z] == 10000, {x, -.5, 6}, {y, -.5, 5.4}, {z, -.7,
Rest::norest: Cannot take the rest of expression {} with length zero. >>
How can I plot my contour without triggering this error?
Why would ContourPlot3D fail to accept a function argument that evaluates to a well-behaved function for all values of the plotting variables?