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Simplify equation with RHS equal to zero?

Posted 5 years ago

I want to simplify my equation (Eq 1) and want to eliminate the common terms in those equations (ref eq2) .enter image description here

POSTED BY: vin Bha
4 Replies

Please post the equations, in copy-and-pastable Mathematica format. It is unrealistic to expect people to re-key them.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
Posted 5 years ago

Attaching herewith the code consisting of equation. Equation mentioned in the code is equal to zero thus can be reduced.

POSTED BY: vin Bha
Posted 5 years ago


I am waiting for your valuable answer.

POSTED BY: vin Bha


you can do this:

Simplify[rule1 == 0, {a > 0, b > 0}]

([Pi] (-a b (b Bmn Dqx m + a Cmn Dqy n) + Amn (b^2 m^2 (Dqx + Nx) + a^2 n^2 (Dqy + Ny)) [Pi]) - a^2 Amn b^2 h [Rho] [Omega]mn^2) Sin[(m [Pi] x)/a] Sin[( n [Pi] y)/b] == 0


Assuming[{a > 0, b > 0}, Simplify[rule1 == 0]]

Note that the Sin terms cannot be divided out because they can be zero. If you are certain they can never be zero:

Assuming[{a > 0, b > 0, Sin[(m \[Pi] x)/a] != 0, 
  Sin[(n \[Pi] y)/b] != 0}, Simplify[rule1 == 0]]

The other way to look at this is your equation is solved if either of the sin terms are zero or (by assuming they are not zero) the resulting equation is satisfied.

I hope this helped.



POSTED BY: Neil Singer
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